The Secret Is Out

When things are going according to her plans, it somehow fails at the last moment. It always happens to her all because of that orphan. Why do things always go right for her? Can't she just die and let her do whatever she wants. The luxurious lifestyle she wished to live right in front of her eyes the moment she saw Laura. 

"Lady Tine, you are summoned by the Crowned Prince."

Crowned Prince? What does he want from someone like her? Tine gasped and her eyes widened as she realized what it is about. For sure it was about Louis since Laura is safe within the Ferguson estate.

But Tine couldn't accept the coming of her end. She needed to run away or else she will be killed. It's a good thing that she prepared for this. She smirked at the guard who raised his brow out of confusion and suddenly he sees a black cloud around Tine's hands. 

"Goodbye," Tine said and vanished along with the dark cloud.