Chapter 3

18th December 2019

Victor's POV:

I walked down the stairs with a small zipper packet containing vials and injections in one hand and a torch that shined on the steps as I descended down on the other hand. The quiet basement reflected my footsteps louder than it actually was.

The pile of dirt settled on the floor seemed to grow taller and taller as days passed. The heavy odour of the decaying corpses stung me instantly as I stepped off the last step though I had already got used to it.

Cleaning the basement was never in my to-do list since no one is ever going to know that a small house existed in the middle of the dense woods to visit it. All those who visited, the known and the unknown, didn't know that it was their last day either.

I dropped the torch down which landed with a thud on the floor and flicked on the big standing lamp. It instantly lit up a part of the dark basement it was facing, showing me many things that I had thrown down here and forgotten after.

The warm honey-colored eyes stared at me from the big frame hanging on the wall, making numerous emotional traumas hit me. But here is someone special who has entered newly in my life to replace the angel I had lost twenty years back.

I twisted and rotated the lamp's head and made sure that it didn't pause anywhere in between glowing on something else that I had dumped down here to trigger more painful memories again. I stopped when the wide range of bright white light fell on that piece of art I had moved in the previous day.

Her wrists were tied to the rope that hung from the ceiling, holding her kneeled down on the hard floor. Her head hung forward unconsciously with the black piece of cloth tied over her eyes. Her chest moved slowly in and out in a peaceful rhythm. I didn't know why the sight of it itself turned me on.

I ambled closer to her carefully sitting in front of her petite frame. The satisfaction of finally attaining what I wanted bubbled in me as my nervous fingers moved forward to touch her. It lingered over her face refusing to touch that perfect skin that I had always craved to devour.

Gulping down the excitement I gently touched her soft thin lips that were slightly apart like it waited for mine to interlock with. Waves of desire and urge raced into my nerves as my hands promptly cupped her beautiful face.

My fingertips traced the perfectly cut jawlines unable to believe that it is all going to be mine hereafter. I stared at her flawless features that I had been admiring discreetly all these days, but never before this closely. Its a dream come true.

My hormones seemed to explode in every part of my body wanting to pull her into me and measure the countless number of wonders that body held. But no, she should feel me touching her, she should feel me kissing her. The day when she accepts my love and wants me just like how I wanted her will be the day when she will know who I really was.

Hoping that the day was not too far, I unzipped the plastic packet I had brought with me and spilled the contents to the floor. I broke the vials open before loading its contents into my injection. The shot I gave her yesterday will die down in an hour or so bringing her back to her senses. I should keep her sedated until I get her room ready. If she wakes up before that, she will die from the odour that the rotting corpses around here gave out.

I pierced the needle into her arm as she stirred and silent words that I couldn't decipher escaped her lips.

"Just a little time Lisa. Sleep peacefully until then. I am going to give you a very beautiful life that you could only dream of", I said retrieving the needle from her delicate skin before rubbing it gently.

Her hair and face were all covered in dirt and grease. Her white shirt and the denim jeans were already drenched in sweat. Not to forget that she hasn't eaten for a whole day I made a mental note to set her room as soon as possible. But before she wakes up I have to bath her and get her dressed up. She should be neat and presentable before I place her in her dream room.

I imagined the excitement that would appear in her perfect face once she sees how I had prepared her room for her. The very thought urged me to start the job already but I had to wait for the right time.

Collecting the stuff I had brought down before turning off the lamp, I made my way to the stairs thinking of the first day I saw her. She was in her college uniform with the white coat draped over it. She was sitting on a bench in a park behind her hostel, talking to someone on the phone. The instant I laid my eyes on her I stood rooted to the ground staring at the real beauty that I had only seen before twenty years back.

Her hair, face, body, attitude, and that damn dimple that appeared every time she smiled stole my breath. Unable to avert my gaze,  god knows how long I was standing there staring at her like a stalker.

Did I even know that I was going to follow her every single day from that, clicking everything she did in my camera? Or did I even know that I am going to hack her phone mic to listen to everything she spoke to anyone when her phone was beside her?

Though that seemed like the best day of my whole life, it made me restless from the following days. That was the day I learned the purpose of my life. That was the day I realized that my life was no longer going to be meaningless and wasted.

And that was the day I made a silent promise to myself that one day I will make her all mine.