Chapter 32

27th December 2019

Renita's POV:

"What do you mean?", I asked as I stopped untying her wrists and gazed at her in perplexion.

"He has multiple personality disorder Ren. Noel and Victor are two different characters in one body. He used to keep me blindfolded earlier. By then he used to talk to me about Noel. He even once burnt the diary I made for Noel. If he was Noel, why would he do that? When he did all these, he was Victor and when he tried finding me, he was Noel", she explained in the most simple way for me to understand.

I felt like my whole world came tumbling down over me. The kidnapper had been with me all these days and I didn't know that no one did. Explains why he had this property's document in his closet.

"Where did you say that you saw him?", she asked as I turned back to her still unable to believe what she had told me.

"In a room on the way to this room, don't ask me the way I don't remember", I said as she was about to open her mouth to say something.

Suddenly sounds of heavy footsteps approaching the room echoed from the hallway as both of us exchanged frightened glances. I quickly got to my feet and sped to the door. I pulled out the key from the other side before I slammed it shut and locked it with the key. The footsteps halted.

"Renita sweety... ", an unfamiliar voice called out in a singsong, "now stop playing my fucking game back to me and open the door", though he was so close to the door on the other side, it sounded very low like he was standing in the living room and speaking.

"The cops will be here anytime now. So you don't have so much time left", I shouted back bravely.

I heard his faint laughter. The heavy door made it impossible to hear his voice clearly.

"Even the guy you have brought along doesn't have much time left", he said.

Vasudev! I gasped.

"Whom did you bring along?", Cathy asked.

"Noel's colleague, Vasudev", I said as I stood there confused about what to do.

"Now open the door before I count down three or I will slit his throat in a go", he spat as he started counting, "Three!"

I looked at Cathy who stared at me helplessly, "You both shouldn't have come alone. Why didn't you come with the cops?", she asked.

I too regretted that. We should have just waited near the car till the cops arrived. "Two", he said. My hand with the key trembled, "Thr--" before he completed I jumped to the door and unlocked it in a split second before pushing it open.

There stood Noel with honey eyes holding an unconscious Vasudev's head between his arm and elbow. "Very good", he said as he took a step forward.

"But let me tell you a fun fact about myself, I never keep up my word", he said before he instantly slit Vasudev's throat in one go. I gasped as he tossed his lifeless body behind to the ground. He then pulled the door and closed it behind him before taking another step forward.

"Why do you people keep messing with me when I just mind my business and go on with my own small happy life? Why can't you guys just shut your asses and move on?", he asked.

In a split second, he leaped towards me, slicing my right thigh followed by my right shoulder. I squealed in pain as I fell back to the floor with Cathy screaming along with me. I didn't expect that he was just talking!

"I had hacked your phone Renita, I could hear all that you spoke when you had your phone with you. Whenever you mentioned my name or you come anywhere close to this place I will get notified. I couldn't listen to you through your microphone for the last few hours since your dear friend over here was creating a little mess. But I didn't get notified even now when you entered this place. You don't have your phone with you?",  he asked as he rubbed the dripping blood on his knife against my chest.

I stared at him in disbelief. He had hacked my phone and listened to me all these days?

As I was thinking he plunged his knife into my left thigh making me scream again as an immense pain shot up my leg. Cathy from beside me cried and pleaded him to stop but he didn't seem to pay any attention to her. He pulled the knife out and towered over me. My eyes were now blurred with a pool of tears standing stagnant till the brim of my lids.

"What a grave mistake have you done Renita, by entering my house and trying to outsmart me in my very own place", he asked raising an eyebrow beneath which were the eyes that I had seen only with kindness and warmth before now glimmering with pure evil and sinister.

His knife again pierced into my chest as blood instantly spurted out of my mouth. An unbearable pain spread all over my upper body making me cough up blood. My eyes started drooping as my mind gradually lost its senses. I heard the faint voice of Cathy pleading him to stop and shouting my name over and over.

"So it's now my responsibility to wind up your life and bid you a big goodbye", his voice wrathed as he stuck his knife into my stomach. The wicked smile that invaded his face as he drew his knife out of my body and raised it over his head to once again force it into me was the last thing I saw before complete darkness surrounded me, suddenly all the pain vanishing into nowhere. My last memory of this world were two gunshots filling the air.