Ralphie Pearce VIII


"We received information that Natan Watts booked a flight to Mongolia. His flight is in 8 hours," Tillman informed.

Levi looked at his watch fastened around his left wrist noting the time was 14:37. "Understood," he says, ending the call. Levi knew the US government cannot extradite Watts if he reaches his destination. Since the USA and Mongolia don't have an Extradition Treaty. If they lose him now, they could say 'Sayonara' to solving the case. He started typing on his mobile, after receiving a reply Levi grabbed his suit jacket, and he exited his room.

With the rental, Levi drove to a bar, aiming to get hammered before the night ends.

It was 5 hours later when Levi scanned the bar after looking at his watch. He vacated his seat, pulling some American dollars in a clip out of his breast then placing a couple of 20$ bills on the bar counter.

He staggered forward, eyes blurred, senses dulled as he struggled to return the cash to his breast pocket. He paused suddenly, and turned back to the barkeep, still holding the cash in his hand, and pointed at the bottle of Jameson's displayed behind him.

"Gimme that" Levi slurred, pulling 20$ and handing it to the bartender. After the bartender placed the bottle on the counter, Levi snatched the bottle by its neck. "Keep the change," he says, and walks forward, bumping to someone as he walks out the front door.

Levi staggered towards the parking lot, squinting his eyes looking for his damn rental car. He found it moments later, he fished the key out of his pants pocket only for it to fall to the ground.

He bends down to pick it up. Levi inserts the key to the keyhole, missing a couple of times before finally getting it in. He pulls the car door open and gets in the driver's seat. He starts the car engine after putting his seatbelt on. Safety first while drunk driving, he thought, breaking into a wicked grin.

He starts to back up the car in the parking lot and drives to the street. Levi steps on the gas speed reaching, 60, 80 then 120. He sees the vehicle in front of him, green. Levi doesn't slow down, instead, he steps on the gas harder. Bumper hits bumper and the screeching of metal against metal fills the cold air.


It was dark when Sam awoke from her mobile ringing, she reached over the bedside table and squinted her eyes as the light momentarily blinded her.

"Gray," she said over the phone, throat dry. She grabbed the glass of water on her bedside table taking a sip.

On the other line was Agent Tillman, "Dr. Gray, we need you to come quickly. I'll text you the address." Tillman said on the other line, his tone rushed and sirens filled the air around him. Sam scowled on the other line, wondering what was wrong. "What? why? What happened?" she questioned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

A lungful of a sigh escaped Tillman's mouth, hinting Sam that something serious had happened. The redhead switched the bedside lamp on and braced herself to what he needed to say.

"Dr. Gray, Mr. Jackson was involved in a car accident. Please come quickly."

Sam stepped out of the taxi in front of NCH Hospital after handing the driver cash. Outside the entrance waiting for her was Agent Tillman, "Dr. Gray, thank you for coming." he greeted when the redhead approached.

Sam tried to calm her pounding heart, as she demanded the agent to take her to the blond Irishman. Tillman ushered her towards the Emergency Room, pointing to a bed enclosed with a curtain.

Sam pulled the curtain aside as she entered, and there on the bed was Levi. His eyes closed, neck brace around his neck, and his dress-shirt stained with blood. He had a cut at the side of his forehead, his lower lip busted, with a swelling left eye.

Tillman stood watching the redhead's reaction, 20 minutes ago he had called the pathologist to come. On her way, he had explained the situation at hand through the phone.

The blond Irishman had been arrested for not only driving under the influence, but he also had gotten himself into a car accident. Worse, after hitting the other car. He got into a fistfight with the driver, witnesses say that the Irishman had started cursing in Gaelic. Well, at least they assumed he was cussing because he was being incredibly loud. And a crowd had formed around them as he was making such a commotion.

The driver of the vehicle happened to get pissed at Levi when he started describing his mother in Gaelic. One thing led to another and it turned into a brawl in the street, well, a one-sided brawl in the other party's favor, unfortunately resulting in the Irishman's current bloodied state.

And that other 'party' happened to be named Natan Watts on his way to the airport. Coincidence? Tillman thinks not.

The two were taken into custody, but due to Levi's obvious injuries and intoxication, he was taken to the hospital to be tended to.

The Irishman opened his right eye, to look at the redhead. His left hand handcuffed on the bed, and they exchanged a look, silence befell them. He knew she knew what he had done, and a snort passed Sam's lips. And the two consultants started laughing loudly. Tillman watched the two consultants, awkwardly apologizing to the staff present.

"I'm not even surprised," Sam admits, wiping tears formed in her eyes from the situation in hand.

As she thought, they needed to get creative and Levi did just that and more. Not only did he stop the suspect into fleeing the country he also had him taken into custody. Of course, his off-the-cuff plan wasn't perfect, he too will have a new criminal record added in his file.

He cracked her a grin, "Snooze you lose" he joked with a busted lip.

Sam's face morphed back to serious, and she cocked the blond man a brow, scanning him. Satisfied that his injuries were nothing life-threatening she asked, "Where is it?"

Tillman cocked a curious brow at what she meant by that.

Levi with his unrestrained arm pulled a bloodied handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Sam. Sam pulled a resealable evidence bag from her purse and inserted the handkerchief inside. Handkerchief he dabbed on his knuckles, after throwing and successfully making the ex-marine bleed.

"How long?" Levi asked, "I'll have it ready by tomorrow." Sam answered, then turned to Tillman, business-like.

"Keep him till then." She told him, "Oh Mr. Jackson is not going anywhere." Tillman claimed confidently, earning a scoff from Levi.

Sam rolled her eyes, "Not him, Agent Tillman. I meant Watts, you have him in custody, correct?" she said. Tillman nodded, "Yes, we do but it won't be long--" he started but Sam turned to Levi before the agent was finished, she asked, "I take it you didn't throw the first punch?"

She fished out her mobile phone and scrolled for the name Steve Devereux.

The blond Irishman pulled out his mobile with an audio recording, of what happened after the accident. A smug expression adorned his face.

"Of course not, I'm not some amateur," he declared proudly.

Tillman's eyes shifted from Sam to Levi, wondering what was happening.

"Agent Tillman, I've got a lawyer coming, he'll be representing Levi," Sam says, as she pulls Levi's chart at the end of the bed and scans through it.

"Based on his injuries, it would be at least 2nd degree Assault and Battery. Tell the attending to throw in a CT scan for effect," she adds, returning the chart to its place. Then turning away with her mobile phone pressed against her right ear not even waiting for Tillman's reply.