
7 months ago

Levi and Marco sat waiting for the redhead, she was oddly coming in later than they expected. The woman was always early for everything, sometimes even too early. 

Moments later Levi's front door swung open, revealing Sam. "You're late," Levi commented, seated on his armchair like a King.

Sam looked at her wristwatch, it says, 8:30 AM. She was on the dot. Thank god she made it, but she understood what he meant by his comment.

"Sorry, woke up later than planned." She apologized standing by the door waiting for them so they can head out.

She received a text from the blond the night previous stating she needed her to come with him and Marco for a case at 8:30 am. She agreed but for reasons, she'd rather not divulge. She woke up later than planned. 

Levi looked at her, observing. His brows furrowed together, eyes narrowed at her yet he remained silent.