2 weeks ago.
Levi and Marco ran through the dark alleys that late Tuesday evening. They just lost their target in a corner, right or left they don't know which way the bastard ran.
The two exchanged a look deciding to separate; Levi takes the left, Marco takes the right.
Marco pants, his breath fogging with each breath. His long legs take him even faster, farther, ready to face their target anytime.
They had been chasing a man named Rudolph Murphy.
His ex-girlfriend Charlize Ang had placed a restraining order against him after he assaulted her 2 months previously. She stayed in the hospital for two weeks from a cracked rib, and a dislocated shoulder, two black eyes, and several bruises after he beat her up in their little flat in Haringey.
But Rudolph Murphy refused to cooperate, he had been going against the restraining order since she had been discharged from the Hospital. Pleading that she take him back and give him another chance. And with the constant calls from Charlize to report the breach in restraining order, the CID had been fed up with having arrived every time to her flat with no trace of Rudolph.
In hopes of getting a better solution, Charlize decided to employ Jackson Detective's help. She had placed herself under surveillance, for evidence of the breach of the restraining order.
Lo and behold, Rudolph shows up on the third day. Breaking in the woman's flat.
Usually, Levi cannot be bothered with surveillance; he found it too tedious. He hated waiting the most. The boys were usually assigned to do such things.
But in Levi's luck that third day, Marco had insisted they go together instead of Joe. To get his mind off gambling after receiving death threats from a guy named Erik Tarasovich.
Erik Tarasovich is a small-time Russian gangster living in Central London, the two had met in an underground poker game. He claimed that Levi 'cheated' him 5000£ in one sitting last week.
Levi denied the accusation outright, claimed he wasn't even worth cheating. Erik Tarasovich was an easy read, his body language spoke every time he bluffed.
It was the easiest 5000£ he won. He bought a new suit and gifted the boys a darting board in the office to kill time when they have no clients.
Levi felt antsy, irritable, going cold turkey for gambling was not the best plan he thought. Worse was even scratch-cards Marco prohibited, in hopes, it will get him off the awful vice of his.
The smoking habit they could manage so far, thanks to Sam who consistently kicked the blond out of her Lab. He had not touched a cigar or cigarette since their top-secret consultancy case in America weeks previous. Where the blond returned bruised.
Sam's olfactory sense was out of this world, Marco realized one time when she noted he changed his brand of detergent.
Marco's eyes widened the moment he saw what was in front of him, jolting to stop in his tracks.
A brick wall, a dead end.
The bearded GP whiplashed to where he came, the wall meant that Levi was on the right track.
Marco ran back as fast as he could, his jacket flapping against his side as he ran. He hoped that he'd make it in time, knowing full well that Charlize mentioned that Rudolph had a knife with him.
Crazy fucking bastard wanted to kill his ex-girlfriend if she denied to give him another shot. A classic case of 'If I can't have you, no-one can'.
And now the blond psychologist was in danger.
Levi grinned like a madman, having Rudolph cornered, nowhere to escape. Boy, if only he could place a bet, it was his lucky day, he thought. But he was quitting, TRYING that is.
"Surrender yourself peacefully and you don't get hurt," Levi says.
Rudolph pulls a knife and points it at Levi. The blond's hazel eyes narrowed in annoyance.
GOBSHITE! he mentally cursed, looking down at his suit. He was wearing a black Givenchy suit with grey pinstripes. It cost him 1300£.
The shorter blond swung at Levi with his kitchen knife, untrained movement the psychologist noted.
At Least Rudolph wasn't an expert knife wielder. Luckily he was.
Levi pulled up a non-locking pocket knife from his breast pocket, a gift from Sam. With a brown wooden handle, she gifted each of the 'Jackson boys' as what she calls the group. All with their own customized initials engraved at the hilt. She made sure it was the legal type in case they get pulled over.
Levi cracked a huge grin, his 3inch pocket knife versus Rudolph's 8inch kitchen knife.
"Let's play a game, the first one who dies wins," Levi says. If he couldn't bet with money, at least he can bet with his life. He only did it for the thrill after all.
Rudolph scowled at the suited man, his tone sounded too cheerful, like he was genuinely excited. Rudolph screamed as he bolted towards the taller man, Levi shifted to his left successfully evading the knife.
"Ya fuckin pussy!" Rudolph roared in fury.
Levi frowned not from the vulgar word that passed Rudolph's mouth, but from the chosen word; 'pussy.'
He didn't understand why people used it to describe weakness in men.
He heard a comedian once said, 'Vagina could start revolutions and end wars", "even on a physical level, the vagina is one of the strongest things that have ever existed. Virtually indestructible….A human being comes out of the vagina. And still, it continues to operate, it continues to work," Levi could only agree.
"I don't understand how that is an insult. The vagina is virtually indestructible." Levi started.
"I mean, just think of your Ma, a big eejit like you coming out of her. MAGIC!"
Rudolph gritted his teeth and gripped his knife tighter, and dove toward Levi.
Levi managed to disarm the man, but not before the knife sliced through the psychologist's suit.
Levi kneed Rudolph in the gut, and the man lurched forward in agony.
"GOBSHITE! Do you know how much this suit costs?!" Levi spat, eyeing the cut on his left sleeve.
The blond psychologist clenched his jaw and threw a right hook against Rudolph's jaw finishing the job.
The man collapses to the ground unconscious.
Marco ran towards Levi, a few feet away.
He stares down at the unconscious man, then back to Levi who was inspecting his left shoulder. Marco approached him, checking if he was okay.
"Levi are you okay?" the bearded doctor asked.
"I'm not," Levi answered, irked.
It was a new suit!
Marco checked his shoulder if there was any sign of blood, "Are you wounded?" he asked.
"No, but my suit!" Levi says, exasperated earning an eye roll from Marco. He can be so overdramatic.
Marco watched as Levi glared down at the unconscious sod on the ground, then scoffed in distaste.
Levi kicked Rudolph's gut one more time, not really above beating a man who's already down.
"Levi!" Marco chided, watching the blond start walking back where they came.
Levi grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed the Police. "Pick up that filth will ya, Marco? You know I hate getting my hands dirty," he says.
Marco sighed, grabbing the unconscious man.
Evening- Jackson Detectives
Sam held the barrel, whilst pointing the tip of the dart towards the target. Then she threw the dart.
Cheers from Joe and Alex echoed filling the office, whilst Mike drummed using his hands against the wooden table. She just lost the game, now she needs to buy them dinner as promised.
She nodded towards the youngest man in the room, Alex. Alex grabbed his mobile from his pocket and dialed for food delivery, making sure to include the two bosses who were on their way back from a solved case.
Not even ten minutes later, the main door of the building opened. Sam and the boys peeked at Jackson Detective's open door, noticing that Levi went up straight to his flat scowling.
Every step he took climbing was loud, hinting on the bad mood he was in.
Marco turned towards the office to his right and looked at the group sending him an expectant look.
Wondering what happened.
Sam pouted at Marco, whilst shaking her head. "Did you forget to feed the baby again, Marco?" she chided, earning a laugh from the boys and a chuckle from Marco.
"He's grumpier than usual, did you miss naps too?" Sam added, and their laughter echoed loud enough that Levi could hear it in his flat.
"Dún é!" the Irishman shouted from his flat, and everyone stifled their laughter.
"What happened?" Sam asked, leaning back on the sofa.
Marco sat at his table, raising his tired feet on the table. "A suspect cut his suit during a struggle," he said. Everyone pulled back subconsciously, whilst a unison of 'Ohhhh's filled the room. Major no, no with Levi was messing with his precious suits.
Sam leaned forward, looking at Marco, "Which one?" she asked.
Marco gestured to his chest, then downwards, "It's black and with stripes" he explained, wondering if it made a difference which suit it was. Levi loved all his suits, he can't have a favorite now, could he? Like a parent to his children?
Sam grimaced. " Oooh, that's gonna take a while," she says.
The boys looked at her in intrigue, waiting for an explanation.
"It cost him more than a grand," she says, leaning back on the sofa.
The boy's jaw dropped whilst Marco groaned. He reckons he uses his gambling winning to purchase those expensive suits. For he had yet to find any significant purchases on the blond's credit card. He manages their finances after all.