7 Days with Levi Jackson II

7 Eastbourne Rd.

It was Day 6 when Sam watched Levi pace back and forth barefooted in the living room, wearing a blue nightgown, far from his usual crisp suits that Sunday morning. The agency office was closed for the day, and he was antsy more than usual for reasons beyond what he was giving her.

Sam tried blocking him hours ago, but he was making so much ruckus that she couldn't focus on the novel in her hand.

So she glared at him silently, if looks could kill the blond would have dropped dead on the wooden floors hours ago.

Sam sighed on her spot, frustrated that he wasn't even aware of how much he was annoying her just by his constant movement. She took note of the obvious frown on his face. In her mind, he was like a 5-year-old trapped in a grown man's body having a tantrum. He mentioned something about his sister, and the case he still owes her.