
Anu has some thoughts in her mind, first, she still loves her husband, second, she is pregnant, she decided to give a chance to Aditya, and if he doesn't want to change then she decided to raise her child alone, she also has mother, she already faces death once, she knows there are some people behind Reena, they can even harm her mom and child, she doesn't want this, talking about past life, she always thinks she is Anu, so now what use of past life memories, she is here for 20 years, even if she married, her previous husband should have died already or maybe become old, or remarried. Thinking this she rejected the offer of the mysterious voice.

The mysterious voice wanted to tell her that her child died already but he decided not to tell her, so he told her that he will wait for her decision for seven days, Anu doesn't say anything, she decided to talk with Aditya, so the mysterious voice tells her that she will regain her consciousness in the world, and if she wanted to talk with him, then she can think about him and call him Yaksha, on which Anu nodded her head.

Anu closes her eyes, and when she open again, she felt her head is hurting so much, she tries to sit, but she found out her body is too weak, she sees her mother, Anjali in front of her, and seeing her pale look, Anu feels scared, she calls her mom, but found her voice is also hoarse, and it feels like whispering, Anjali looks towards her daughter and can't help but feel excited seeing her conscious, she stands up quickly and calls the doctor, and then she looks towards Anu and asked her, how she is feeling, on which Anu ask for water.

Anjali doesn't know it is a good idea to give her water, Anu see her hesitation, and she felt something bad, she touches her stomach, and feel her heart sank, she feels like something happen with her baby, she looks towards Anjali in question gaze, but doctor come at that time, and check her, after checking, they give her water, and tell her that she is unconscious for four days, after drinking water she asked about her child, and the doctor tells her in a gloomy voice that they can't able to save her child.

Anu feels like a light struck on her, she feel too dizzy, and again lost her consciousness, after she doesn't know how much time she wakes up again, but can't able to stop her tears, she sees in front of her, there is her mother and Aditya sitting there, she can't help but shout.

"Are you happy now killing my child and saving your lover's child?" both Aditya and Anjali froze listening to this.

"Anu calm down, and what are you talking about," Anjali asks, she only got to know that her daughter has an accident, but now she realized that something big happens.

"Anu calm down, we can talk later, please your health might be affected," Aditya said,

"you double face liar, you must be happy now, you must wish I should die, so you can live with that Reena, you kill my child, I hate you, Aditya," Anu said while crying loudly, she wanted to kill the man in front of her.

"Anu I am not lying, please don't act like this"

"ohhh, you must be afraid of losing face, but you will pay for this" Saying this she again lost her consciousness, but this time she calls the mysterious voice.

"so what you decided?" asked the mysterious voice.

"Yup I want revenge"

"Wise people said that don't take decisions when you are angry and don't promise anything when you are happy," the mysterious voice said.

"then what should I do tell me"

"I will tell you more about it, so while I m telling try to calm down"

"do you want me to calm down, but how, you know they kill my child"

"I am sorry to say that, but it is all their fault? you don't do anything wrong, are you sure that your child doesn't pay for your sins" After hearing this Anu froze, she never tries to analyze her behavior. It is not like she doesn't know her mistakes, she remembers that how she gives a mocking smile to Reena lots of the time, indeed Reena do bad things, but her reaction is no good, she gets angry easily, But isn't Reena is too much cunning, so what wrong if she gives her back what she desreve.

Talking about Aditya she is somewhat guilty, at first it is him who woe her, he pesters her day and night and she treats him like a friend, she even sometimes ignores him, she when start fighting with her mother in law, she tells him that she will not stay there, due to this decision his father get angry, and even he is in trouble of losing his position, at the company, he does lots of thing for her, but she never tries to do anything for him outside of her comfort zone.

Talking about her mother, she never did anything special, talking about her life, she always lives a life which is in her comfort zone, she never tries to help much, indeed she gives a donation to the orphanage, but it is all Aditya or her mom's money, she even go against her mom, when she tells her that she is remarried, she always wanted to become the center of the people she loved, She never try to do anything for others extra, indeed she fulfills her duty, she obeys their order, but what about doing things willingly, she feels guilty.

She doesn't think she does something bad with Reena, but she is indeed guilty in case of Aditya and her mom, she looks towards Yaksha and he smiles knowingly.

"This is what I wanted to see, I want a pure heart which is you, indeed you make some mistakes, but what matter you realized that I want you to take revenge, but I also want that you don't forgot your basic humanity, so now again tell me what is your decision"

"I don't want to take revenge from Aditya, but I want revenge from Reena, she is the one who gives instructions of this accident right?" Anu asks, even if Yaksha doesn't tell her she can guess it.


"hmmm, so now what next, what should I have to do?" Anu asks,

"first, we need to lessen her good impression, she is on the path of becoming crazy now, I will tell you what exactly the second bracelet does, it is converted peoples goodwill to increase the beauty, attractiveness, intelligence power and many things for the person, but it remains only for some time, if it increases more, she can also control weak people's mind, if that person is weak and evil it is easier to control him, but thankfully her this ability is somewhat weak now. And indeed she uses lots of points to maintain her beauty and increase her attractiveness, she even uses some on her talent"

"Ohh, so it can use this way too"

"Yup, but for every time you have to pay in goodwill points"

"so you said that if she creates bad impression her point will lessen right?"

"yup it will decrease in double quantity"

"Can you please explain"

"Yup wait I will show you" After saying this a screen pop up in front of Anu, she sees Aditya there, and see what he feels towards Reena.

Lust : 100

Attraction : 80

Love :50

Respect : 40

Sympathy : 60

Total goodwill point: 800

"See this is the feeling your husband have for her"

"WTF, I can understand lust, but sympathy for what?"

"you must know the answer, Yaksha asks Anu and she remembers past events, this Reena tells her sad story to everyone, but this is all her fantasy, she regrets giving her chance Aditya's company. But now she understands that she can't change the past, she only hopes that she can change both her and Aditya's destiny, she also knows that things are not gonna back between them, but in this life, she will not gonna give her heart to that bitch, and also she will not allow Aditya to attempts suicide,