Past Life

"Anu what is in your mind?" Anjali asked her daughter,

"nothing much mom, do you know Nagnath uncle is making a new film?"

"Yes, but the news is only known to some people and I don't tell you then how you know it?" Anjali asked surprisingly, she knows her daughter is not interested in entertainment industry, and she also doesn't have friends so how she know this news.

"That is not important, do you know the new girl Saloni?"


"refer her to Nagnath uncle, she is perfect for this role"

"...." Anjali is very much surprised by her daughter's sudden change, she remember her daughter after her dad's death become too quite, she stops talking much, she is really a good daughter, it is just that she expresses herself very less. People think Anu is too timid, only has a good memory and a good face, but she knows her daughter is a very great person.

"muma, don't look at me like that, okay, I am all right, and don't worry, I really don't want revenge, It just I wanted to give her little punishment for hurting me, and broke our trust"

"Okay, I also want the same" Anjali said with a smile, she knows her daughter doesn't do anything wrong, so she don't fear, Anu repeatedly tells her not to say anything bad for Reena. She tell her mom that she is now going to sleep, she tells Anjali that she doesn't need to come for dinner, Anu knows her mom is shooting a daily soap, and she has very important role in that, she don't wanted to trouble her mom. Anjali understands her concern, she said okay, and leave, she decided to end this daily soap early so she can spend more time with her daughter.

After Anjali goes, Yaksha asked her why she chooses Saloni, on which Anu tells him that she sees future and she sees that this Saloni has lots of potential, but she is suppressed by Reena, if she can add one more enemy for Reena then it is useful for diverting her attention, Anu already has seen the future and she knows that Reena becomes super successful due to this film, she knows that to defeat her this film gonna help too much.

She asks Yaksha when he will give her past life's memories, on which Yaksha says, he is any time fine, Anu said that she wanted to see now. On which Yaksha said her to sleep. Anu lies down, and heard Yaksha is chanting something, she feels dizzy, and when she opens her eyes she is in a very different place.

She sees a dirty place, she tries to remember which place this is but can't able to remember, she sees a place which is very crowded, and she sees this road goes towards Lord Shiva's temple. she follow the path, and see lots of beggar begging, she see little children sitting there, those children are dirty and too thin, she sees their nose is running, seeing such dirty children she wanted to vomit, but she realizes that she doesn't have a body only has soul here, so vomiting is not possible.

"The girl in blue dress is you, with my help you are able to remember your past life memories, you can consider it past life regression"

"You wanted to say, that dirty thin, ugly looking girl is me?????" Anu asked in very loud voice.

"Don't shout and what is with your language, children are always beautiful and yes she is you" Yaksha replied.

Anu from childhood love clean appearance, her dad love clean children so she never let even her clothes get dirty, she can't believe that the little girl is she, she read some reincarnation and rebirth stories, so she think she must be a person from rich family whom people kill for money or something like that, but reality is too harsh, she then see herself begging, and feel too sad, she see that she is really cute, but due to dirty clothes she is looking ugly, she see herself playing with other beggars, how happy she is without money, without enough food, she can't help but feel love for her child version. she see her daily begging, she see that this children beg all day, and then eat whatever they get, and live in very shabby place, their life is too difficult.

She found out that other children are elder than her, only she and another boy is younger than them, she see the old sister taking care of her, she see the other three children also acing good with her, the little boy call her sister. she feel like it is her old family, nearly one year passed, and she see herself fainting, she don't know what will happen with her, but she see other beggars and even some sex workers help her to take in hospital, the children don't have name, but they give themselves name after movie stars, her name is same with her this lives name Anamika, and the elder sister who take care of her is Madhuri, the little boy is known as Akshay, and their is another boy whose name is Vikram, she can see this four children really love each other.

When she faint she see other children crying badly, she also feel bad, she realised that this little Anu must be suffering, she go with them when those people take her hospital, the doctor says that her heart has a hole, and after her birth she must be sick, she don't get proper care and due to this her lifespan is short, and even if they now save her, she might not be leave for long time, the doctor also tell them that she need to do surgery, and for that they need at least 2 Lakhs, the face of all those people change when they heard. She also understand this time is 20 years ago from now, 2 Lakh is too much for people, and this people are beggars and sex workers, she heard them chatting about form whom to asks help, her heart feel warm, she is just a little child, even if she die, no one get affected, still this people wanted to help her.

How great this people are, all her life she look down on people, she is really mean, she thinks that beggar are lazy people, she has too much prejudice in her heart, she wanted to cry, her child self is too pure, now she don't think Reena do something wrong with her, it is her sin that give her this punishments, she remember the disdain in her eyes while talking with poor people and beggars, she wanted to cry, but that time she heard a sentence and froze.

"I will pay for that child" she heard the most beautiful voice in the world, it is her baba, her dad.