War Begins (1)

"DAMN THOSE BASTARDS!" Devon shattered the glass of wine he had in his hand. 

Devon rarely had any outburst of anger. Even when he did, he simply channelled that energy to do something constructive. According to him, self-control should be treated as a finite resource because if not, then the part of the brain exerting control gets tired - it requires energy and that gets depleted, leaving the person drained. So, the repressing of anger required careful thinking.

Whenever he lost his cool, Devon immediately started thinking about is anger in rational terms by asking himself questions like- If the anger is boiling up, how will it be cooled? If it explodes, whom does it burns? How will it affect his surrounding? Will it cause pain to the ones he cared about? What are its benefits? 

Usually, by thinking about these questions, he could repress his anger. But this time it was different. The information he was given by the Lizardmen was beyond his expectations.