Hunter (2)

"Any sign of them?" Devon asked Alex over the communicator. 

"Not yet sir. I have my men searching throughout the swamp-" 

"I don't want excuses, Alex. I want answers." Devon cut him off, "It's not the loss of Inhumans that bothers me, but the circumstances. We are in a dire situation. A sword is hanging above our necks. We cannot afford to make any mistakes now or it would be the last mistake we ever make. I don't care about what happens to me, but Gary is innocent in all this and I have to ensure his safety before anything else."

Alex couldn't muster a reply. He knew Devon had already given up on himself but he wasn't going to give up on his son. Especially after dragging him back from the afterlife. Still, this wasn't the leader he wanted to serve. The leader he knew would never give up on himself and give his attackers a run for his blood, but now... It seemed as if Devon was only waiting for someone to arrive and kill him.