A Good News

They say anger is a protector. One tasked with protecting sadness. And when anger fails, tears take the job instead. But what if, anger and sadness merge together? What happens next? What replaces anger? Chaos. Utter chaos. 

Whether the chaos stays within the angered one or flows freely around him, is a different matter altogether. The strong-minded force the chaos to hide within themselves, while the weak, the desperate, let it all out for the world to see. You see, Nicole was the example of a strong being, Andrex, however, was not. It was apparent to everyone, that's why their eyes... Their stare burned a scar of humiliation deep in his heart. 

At first, all Andrex wanted was to make the Blacks lose their credibility, their influence. But after the shitshow of a meeting today, he wanted them to feel like what he was... Humiliated. He wanted Nathan to grovel at his feet. Begging for forgiveness. But he knew it was just a pipe dream of his. Unless...