Ascension, Again!? (2)

The ground trembled as Yan raised the dead Olympians once again to conquer their enemies. Only this time, their enemies weren't going to be humanity but the Gods. The sight of ten thousand armoured zombies didn't look pretty, to say the least. But Arnold didn't resurrect them to look good in the first place. All he wanted was for them to retain their stats, and thankfully their stats were more or less remained the same. He had asked Yan to resurrect them only because of their strength. If their stats would have reduced upon resurrection, they wouldn't be of much use to him other than being labours or a meat shield.

"Don't you think your abilities are a bit... overpowered?" Nicole mumbled to Arnold who was standing next to her, "I mean, we all get stronger by defeating enemies, but you're something else. Our growth pales in your comparison."