Next! (3)

"Hm? Would any of you resurrect me?"Arnold repeated his question but the response was the same. Utter silence.

Arnold was raising some valid points. It was a deathmatch and it wouldn't be fair to him if they just up and resurrected Hermes back. it would be like a one-sided deathmatch where only he was bearing the actual risk of dying.

Maybe that was the reason why Hermes challenged him in the first place. He was a god and even though he didn't do much for the welfare of the universe, there were a bunch of other gods who would be willing to resurrect him. But for Arnold death was the end. 

"It doesn't matter what the mortal says," Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and intoxication was the first one to speak, "WE are the gods and WE are the only ones who can decide what happen with our fallen comrades-"