Universal Influence

White, sleek hair awkwardly hung over a beautiful, yet furrowed frowning face. Her narrow golden eyes, set high within their sockets, watch loyally over her new master. A big scar could be seen on the left side of her face which started right below her eyes and ended just above her lips. But even the scar couldn't keep her beauty from shining. She was a high elf after all. 

Her eyes were shining as she set her gaze upon the man she served. Ready to kill or be killed for him. All previous sense of hostility was gone as soon as her master's blood started flowing in her veins. 

In the prison cell, she stood like a statue of loyalty while the rest of them cowered away in fear. The more these vassals got to know of Arnold's power, the more they realised how feeble their own strength was in front of him. It was no wonder that even the gods decided to flee from him the moment he turned into a higher being himself. 

"Your command, my master?"