CHPT 9: Goliath awakens


"What Class do you think he is? I've never seen an Aura that color."

"Reborn at 15?? He really is the son of Marshall Leon."

The students were positively stunned, they all stared at Samuel as if he were a God, the deep purple aura seeming to radiate from him like a dark flame, making him look as omnipotent as the students thought he was.

Samuel wasn't exactly aware of what happened, all he knew was that he got an immense boost of power and sent Claude flying out of the ring, "An easy win as always…" he thought with a smug grin. After that thought he heard a sound that seemed to come from the depths of his own mind.


After that sound he looked down and saw that his whole body was glowing...and then a semitransparent purple screen appeared with a message.

[Welcome Samuel Leon, I am your system. You have been successfully Reborn, due to your above average strength and defensive capabilities combined with your capacity for cruelty you have been given the class of...Dark Knight, along with the skill "[Dark Charge]" and "[Aura Control]". You've been given a +5 to health, attack and defensive stats as well. Information on class and skills can be received if you desire, Congratulations on your Rebirth, remember, accept your darkness...but do not become it.]

After reading the message Samuel looked at the dazed bloody heap in the dirt that was Claude with an all too insane smile. He began to walk towards him saying, "I'm pretty sure I promised I would grant you death."

The students surrounding Claude all dispersed upon hearing Samuels desire to "finish the job", all except one. The heavily muscled brunette from before started to walk towards Samuel.

The students watched in disbelief and fear as the girl approach the titan that was Samuel. Prof. Raizen was making his way through the crowd of students while yelling at Samuel to stop.

"HEY!....Samuel you stop it right now or I'm going to have to render you unconscious."


Samuel continued his approach until he was almost face to face with the brunette. They both stared at eachother unflinchingly, seeming to have no fear.

"Move it you ogre." Samuel said through gritted teeth.

The girl took a step closer sizing him up saying, "What are you gonna do if I don't, pussy?"

Samuel smirked as he raised his blade to cut her open.

"Your los-"


As Samuel was about to cut the girl a blinding white bolt of lightning struck his head incapacitating him instantly. Over by Claude and the students Prof. Raizen had his hand aimed at Samuel with smoke dissipating from it.


Prof. Callista arrived and saw complete chaos, the students all bunched together with frightened expressions as their eyes scattered back and forth between two students. One was on the floor but the only thing that looked wrong with him was the large cloud of smoke coming from his head.."Samuel" she thought as she recognized the flashy armor and blonde hair. The other student was in much worse condition, but she knew it was Claude.

As she rushed over Prof. Raizen instructed her to get Claude to a bed as soon as possible, she didn't question it and went straight to him. He looked a little older since she last saw him which was a couple months ago, his bronze skin was a shade darker— probably from his training outside she learned he did every morning. His hair was still very short and as black as ever and his thick black eyebrows were stuck in a permanent scowl... even when he was unconscious.

She probably couldn't have carried Claude before and now that he looked like he'd gained some more muscle she was positive she couldn't carry him now. Right after she made that realization a striking young female with a powerful build rushed over offering her assistance.

"Would you like me to carry him?" She said with urgency.

"Yes, please hurry." Replied Prof. Callista

After she accepted the help the girl lifted Claude with the ease and fluidity of someone lifting a chair.


Claude felt uncomfortable, his ribs hurt like hell and he could feel that his nose was still leaking profusely, despite all that he smelled a beautiful combination of flowers and honey that seemed to bless his senses with every inhale he made.

"I don't stink do I?" A familiar feminine voice asked. Claude looked up and saw the brunette from before looking straight ahead and seeming to be in a hurry.

"No, not in the slightest." Claude replied to dazed and in pain to feel any bit of social anxiety or his own personal awkwardness. He surveyed her for a while longer watching her jaw clench and unclench every few steps, he soon realized he didn't know the first thing about this girl.

"Excuse me..erhm..what is your name?" He asked the new girl.


"Well Ursula, thank you for relieving me of my masculinity." Claude said as he slowly let his eyes close.

Ursula let out a cool and breathy laugh before saying, "would you rather walk?"

"Hell no." Claude said before slipping out of consciousness.