Claude stood dumbfounded for a moment, he was lost in the chaos behind the woman's deep inviting black eyes. She seemed to be exhilarated by Claudes hesitance to shake her silver clawed hand— like she wanted him to try and run, or fight.
"[Claude, shake her hand.]" Arne said.
"What?! I thought Lupines were similar to Werewolves." Claude thought in response.
"[No, your fine. The benefit of being a Lupine instead of a Werewolf is just that— but, we heal slower than them. Now hurry and shake her hand before she rips your face off!!]" Arne said anxiously.
Claude swallowed and took her smooth pale skinned hand. "Uh, em....yes, I'm Claude. Nice to meet you, Detective."
Det. Cyrene's nostrils flared and her jaw flexed with anger once Claudes hot battle hardened hands wrapped around hers. She didn't see any steam erupt from his skin or hear any sizzling, but she wasn't convinced. "He has to be something...I mean look at him!" She told herself while looking at the looming figure that stood a couple inches taller than her.
She knew he was something because she could feel it. Ever since she was a child, and her already abusive father returned from a Tangent and turned into a monster the following night— massacring her entire town, she could tell who was and who wasn't, a predator.
The hairs all over her body seemed to stand and reach for the wolf in sheep's clothing that stood in front of her. She would interrogate him and forcibly reveal his true nature. In those marvelous moments where he shed his human skin, she'd relieve his head from his shoulders in a heartbeat. Then, she'd find a way to continue her hunt pursuing her employers kids— Samuel and Tai who were also predators in hiding.
"Nice to finally see you up." She said.
Claude awkwardly smiled and nodded.
"Alright, can we talk somewhere more.....private?" She asked.
"[Answer eagerly.]"
"Yes, please lead the way."
Det. Cyrene was caught off guard by this and blinked a couple times before taking him down the hall. She walked with the fluidity and comfort of a experienced fighter and Claude could easily see the dense muscles in her calves and hamstrings under her pants.
They headed down the hall and turned to head down the familiar lengthy stairs he took to get to training. Where exactly are we going?" Claude asked.
"You'll see." She answered sounding like she regained her composure.
They continued all the way to the bottom floor. They stood in the entrance hall for a moment. Claude stared at the Phoenix insignia on the floor immediately remembering when he bumped into Jack. "The first time we met." Claude thought, his fist automatically clenched in response.
"[Calm down before she notices.]"
"Is she doing this on purpose? How does she know?" Claude asked angrily.
"[I don't think she does, she does mean to rattle you by bringing you down here though.]" Arne warned.
She began walking again, but instead of going right and taking them outside, she turned left. The Professors rooms, Claude hesitated before hastily catching up to her.
Different Professors stepped in and out of their rooms preparing for the first class of the day or simply just waking up.
They passed room after room, Det. Cyrene's shoulders tensed with excitement as they neared their destination....the last door, the room that smelled of death on that day they all entered the Deviant.
She stopped at Prof. Galen's door. His name card was no longer visible against the black metal door, further confirming Claudes suspicions. Det. Cyrene reached for the doorknob, Claudes nerves were sent into overdrive— he still felt like he'd find Prof. Galen's mangled corpse behind it.
She turned and smiled at him before swinging the door open. She leaned against the doorway and smiled, still attempting to portray a calm and easy going demeanor. It didn't work, Claude looked into her eyes and could practically hear them begging him to try and do something. She wanted violence.
Claude took a deep calming breath and entered Prof. Galen's old room for the first time.
The room was a little bigger than his own at the cabin. A dark wooden desk stood at the right side of the room with a box of various things in it. "Is someone else already occupying this room?" He thought.
The overall light and neutral colored aesthetic of the room stood out from the orange and black colored medieval style of the University. Despite the light and calming vibe of the room, he felt the darkness of death lingering, at least that's what it felt like.
Det. Cyrene pulled the matching wooden chair out from under the desk and moved it so it sat plainly in the center of the room. She smacked the top of it with her hands. Her eyes shimmered with malevolent excitement.
"Please, come sit."