CHPT 145: Vengeance is Due.

Friday Nov 2nd, 2240

After the Headmaster announced to the students that Samuel and Tai were officially missing, the following day was as he expected it would be.

Theories, ideas, accusations. Claude could hear it all among the hushed whispers between students that knew he got along with them about as well as oil mixed with water. He kept any anger he felt from their discussions inside until they entered their usual Tangent on Friday's where he unleashed it all indiscriminately.

The Goblin Horde Tangent had no Boss— but the large numbers of Goblins inside the different portions of the dark forest proved to be a fair challenge. To no ones surprise, after every kill, more memories of how he spent his first Full Moon ripped and tore their way to the front of his mind where he came to one realization about what exactly happened towards the end of that night inside the Tangent.

He ate them.

His wolf-like jaws clamped down on dirty green heads and crushed them into unrecognizable bits of green, red and pink mash. He'd only move on to the next after he finished the first and had small undeveloped brain and skull fragments falling from his opened jaws.

His team must've picked up on his disgust from the images unfolding in his mind since he felt their eyes on him on multiple different occasions inside the Tangent. Luckily the Tangent didn't take too much time to complete and they were able to leave before he somehow found a way to overcome his own biology and throw up.

Once they made it back to the University, he kept his goodbyes to his friends short and gave his usual response to how he'd spend his weekend— which wasn't a lie. Training. He knew if he tried to say anything more, Ursula would latch into the first inconsistency or anything out of the norm like a Wolf locking its jaws on its prey.

He stepped through the portal and exited the University last. He was happy to realize that the SkyLight Guildhall was still filled with daytime Heroes and Ilka wasn't working behind the counter yet— he still had time to spare before he needed to suit up and join the other NightRunners of SkyHaven. He planned to spent it expanding his knowledge on the Element that called to him and also work on growing another tree. While also possibly getting a better understanding of Wild Magic.


The feeling of relief he got from being away from the prying eyes of students and gossiping Professors was instant as he walked down the semi active streets of SkyHaven. Even though eyes were still on him, it was for a much different reason— and they were more focused on someone else.

Frosty moved silently over the road at Claude's side. His wet black nose led his head in all directions in response to the scents of food and other animals that caught his interest. He seemed completely unbothered by the many eyes that fell on him.

They exited the city gates, sharing some spicy chicken on a stick from a street vendor Claude found that looked a bit less scared than the others.

"So, do you think they'll count the Detective as a missing person as well?" Claude asked before he tossed a piece of chicken to Frosty.

"[Im sure most of them are just happy she left. But the Detective Corps will be searching for her diligently.....they don't just kindly accept one of their members going awol— or at least that's how I remember it.]" Arne replied.

Arne's words caused Claude to recall a small but interesting fact about the Detective.

"Det. Cyrene's not even from here. She's from— or at least works at the Precinct in the city of Golden Gate."

"[Hm. That's quite a ways up north from here. Hopefully by the time— if, they come here, any evidence of her disappearance inside that forest will be gone.]"


After their talk, the following twenty minutes of walking were spent finishing his food with Frosty and simply enjoying the silence of nature— he knew he had a world of problems to sort out, but the serenity of the wild was too good to miss. No voices in the distance, no human smells. Only birds, critters and the odd passing carriage under the cool evening sky.

Once he was closer to the forest circle, the sound of humans and civilized society altogether faded until it was only a faint sound in the back of his mind.

It was perfect time for him to let out his friends in the shadows.


He aimed his left hand to the shadows on the side of the dirt road he walked on as he activated his Skill, (Shadow Cast).

Slowly, the shapes emerged from the small pockets of darkness to the side of him. The shapes continued to grow and actualize until individual glowing eyes opened and emerged from the dark to greet him and Frosty.

Ashe was the first to greet Claude by pushing her sleek muscled head into his hand until he scratched the female Phantom Wolves head. The others came soon after, bumping their shoulders to his hip until he individually scratched and patted their Smokey furred backs.

The Phantom Wolf, Shadow, jumped out of the darkness past Claude and playfully lunged at Frosty who met his charge with a flash of teeth and claws.

Claude watched the two roll around in the dirt and nip at eachother before quickly getting back up to sniff and lick each other's faces. They were an unlikely pair that formed a close friendship during their first NightRun with Claude.

Watching them walk together was an odd picture, they were like polar opposites in all aspects.

Where Frosty was youthful and vocal— at times, Shadow was more reserved and mature like the other Phantom Wolves. From a physical standpoint, Shadow was also taller than Frosty— but what the PitWolf lacked in height he made up for with densely packed muscle mass that made him stand out among the Phantom Wolves that were obviously built for speed.

Despite their obvious differences, they welcomed him immediately and fell under one individual in command— even if he didn't always act like he was.

"Alright...." Claude said loud enough to grab all the Wolves attention. "Let's run!"

They all took off immediately and ran under the dark wing sky towards the forest he called home.


It didn't take long for them to come skidding you a halt in front of the forest circle entrance. The Wolves dashed down the walk path and continued to run and play in the field of grass surrounding his cabin.

Claude rushed inside after them, shrugging off his backpack and pulling out a green leather bound book with a tree symbol branded into the front of it. It smelled old— the way books that have been stored away usually smell. It was an oddly pleasant scent to him.

"Let's hope I can get something useful out of this." He thought as he laid in the grass and began reading the book on the Element of Nature.


He lost himself inside the worn and darkened pages of the old book as he read up on any little facts or pieces of information he could find that would be useful— which was everything. He didn't notice how dark it had gotten until Arne snapped him out of his binge read.

"[Claude, it's about time we left. The night doesn't last forever.]"

He looked up from his book and noticed Frosty and the Phantom Wolves laying down around him simply enjoying the night air.

"Right. I'll see if I can't apply some of what I've read on the NightRuns." Claude said before getting up to retrieve his cloak, hair tie, mask and sword, Bane of the Undead.

"[Anything new you plan to fight this time?]" Arne asked as Claude tied up his tattered black cloak.

"I'll finish whatever Infested Area has been neglected by the Heroes for the longest."

The way he said Heroes made Arne uneasy. "[Still no Tangents?]"

"No. There's something I need to check and be on the outside for." Claude replied as he sheathed Bane of the Undead.


Ever since his subconscious had shown him images of Rikah again, his mind had been continuously force feeding him images and memories of her. It was like his subconscious mind was telling him her time was up, and his revenge was due.

He'd search for her, and he'd find her even if it meant running through another group of Raiders. As much as he hated killing people— what he felt for her was becoming something much worse, and he was sure of that.


After a few more minutes of preparation, he was fully prepared and Frosty was invisible.

Night had fallen. Bringing with it, cool winds and bright stars that illuminated the forest and field he stood on. He was sure the NightRunners were heading to the SkyLight GuildHall at this very moment, meaning it was time to go.

As he headed out of the forest and towards the dirt road leading to SkyHaven with Frosty close behind, he deactivated his (Shadow Cast) Skill, and felt a slight pressure as the Phantom Wolves morphed into smokey darkness that flowed back into the dark marking on his hand.

"Alright Frosty, let's move." He said before the two broke off into a sprint towards the active city.

"I'll find her. I swear it."