CHPT 157: Night Terror Transformation.

Saturday November 3rd, 2240

Most teenagers— people in general, spend their Friday nights celebrating in one way or another.

Celebrating another week finished, survived, completed. It was usually all the same. Go to the hottest social spot, have a few drinks— talk to friends or indulge in any number of personal hobbies and end the night in your bed sleeping peacefully.

For Heroes it went down a bit differently, and for Claude it went down way differently.

After spending his Friday night traveling the nighttime city of SkyHaven, he stepped into the wild and slayed man sized walking lizards, DireRats and a Vampire that found him in the hellish blackness of the Darkways. In a way, the earlier statement about Friday's meaning another win, another finish and another completion of the week applied to Claude as well— even more so than most considering how many powerful individuals wanted his head on a spike.

The only difference was, there was no relaxing sigh at the end of the week for him. No feeling of truly letting loose and just being present. He couldn't even be granted this feeling in slumber.

A secondary hell, a name better fitting for the world he's submerged into when his eyes shut and his body succumbs to exhaustion. The only nights when he wasn't forced to watch a theatrical display of his personal traumas was when Fenrir summoned him— unfortunately that wasn't tonight. The God of Wolves must've been busy. Forcing Claude to endure another night of terror.

The only problem was, they weren't simple nightmares. Both him and Arne were aware of that. What they weren't aware of was the effect, the damage they truly dealt to him.

Every night he watched his Father be forcibly transformed and killed ruthlessly, or his friends being brutalized by the vengeance seeking HellBreeder, or even the Heroes he knew for a short time being betrayed by Rikah. He came back to the confines of reality differently. It was too small to notice immediately, but he was being tainted. The nightmares' residual effects were leaving him angrier, more anxious and further filled with Hate as the number of people he held it for grew. Like a flame coming into contact with an ever expanding patch of dry forest, his hatred was slowly spreading like a wildfire that threatened to scorch the earth.

Who knows. Maybe it stops. But for the chance that it doesn't, how long can someone endure their own personal hell before becoming a product of it? Before becoming something unrecognizable?

It really all becomes a test of time. A test of willpower and endurance. So the question is, how long can someone fight against their own subconscious mind?