CHPT 216: Face NoxIce.

Samuel was shocked into silence. He felt like his breath took on a physical form and was ripped from his throat by the very image— no, presence of the castle. Everything about it was well seated within the realm of all things unfathomable.

The towering size of the haunting fortress crafted with an unnaturally dark ice that screamed with Magic. The empty— yet full feel of the shadow infested corridors. The Vampires that sat atop its ledges with a cold and statue-esque stillness almost as if they were asleep. And even the WereWolves—permanently transformed and leashed like dogs to stalk the icy grounds. It was all unreal.

As he looked at the large number of Lupines littering the field he could only be shaken by the fact that a race so relatively numerous could go unknown by everyone and still effectively subjugate members of both Vampires and WereWolves. It made him question what else they could do, what other connections they had. It made him wonder; Was this in fact the pinnacle of existence.

To say the long-standing flame of arrogance for his upbringing within him had begun to change ever so slightly was an understatement. With the thought of his father ever saving him being more or less beaten out of existence by the Lupines, he began to develop a sense of higher standing in another aspect. Not for being born as an illustrious Leon— but for being changed into a Lupine. For now, he didn't give a damn about his "Pack" or it's politics or even history. All he began to care about was what he could do with the power they'd transferred to him through the bite.

As all things begin, the thought was simply a spark— far from a full flame. Merely a faint thought that lasted milliseconds, far from a full state of mind. Yet, with delicate care and proper scenarios, this slight tweak of his core values could be stoked into something greater.


Samuel continued surveying the icy field in awe until Jack broke the silence.

"I'm assuming you have questions…..heheh. Since you're not at liberty to ask, I'll give you the rundown." Jack said before aiming a hand at the castle while lowering his head respectfully— yet also in an almost mocking manner.

"You know what this is, NoxIce Keep. This is the home of our Lord, Remus, and his progeny. But this is not our only home."

Samuel took his eyes off of everything in the distance for the first time and looked at Jack.

The older Lupine's face twisted into a wicked sneer as his oily rivulets of black hair swayed in the wind, "We have many homes blondy. Our reach in this world spans farther than you can imagine."

Samuel shook his golden coat to remove the collection of melted snowflakes and the slight shiver of his spine.

"So." Jack said with a huff, "This place here is less of a home for us….and more of a place of worship— like them Shrines for the Gods only we're not crazy….for the most part haha. This place is also a waiting ground. All Lupines of Remus must visit our Lord and his home out of respect. We also have to be ready." Jack let the words sink in and started again when Samuel looked back up at him.

"We've all been told of the day Romulus was murdered in the sands. But somehow nobody knows the events that took place after dammit."

Samuel immediately took notice of Jack's tone, causing him to wonder what exactly angered him. Not knowing every detail of someone so powerful dying or the effect it had on Remus.

"What we do know is that Romulus was always in search of new and old Magic….always trying to mix and empower shit. So the theory goes; After Remus killed Romulus, a Curse was placed. Fucking Curses….anyway. It's said to be a Curse of the Sleeping Warmonger. I don't really know what the hell all that means. But, our Lord can only be awoken in the wake of a battle strong enough to shake the earth. A war is coming….hahah! And with that in mind, Remus's Soldiers lie in wait for the day he awakens. For the day we execute what we have planned, he will come back to lead us, and we will follow. You will follow, Samuel."

"A war to shake the earth…" for the first time, Samuel's thoughts were ultimately centered. Centered behind the fact that someday, he would be involved in a war that strong, led by a man made into a sort of God.

"Until then, we sharpen our claws and harden our muscles! Now, let's get a better view of NoxIce Keep." Jack said before abruptly pulling him closer towards the other bowing Lupines.

As they approached, he quickly noticed he could tell things about the others waiting ahead. Some of them bore similar scaring, some of them were terrified, some of them were young. Some of them were just like him, smelling of sand and heat beneath the magical cold, or of otherworldly spices and earthy plants that he couldn't begin to describe. There were others, like him, from all over the world. Jack was right.

The yanking of his scruff signified their stop in front of NoxIce Keep behind the many rows of Lupines.

He would've kept watching them if not for the rising of his fur and cottoning of his mouth. Even his legs began to shake in the snowy ground. Something was wrong.

Without realizing why, his eyes flew to the castle and stayed there. The first thing he looked to were the terrifying Vampires perched atop the massive architectural monolith.

Looking eerily like both man and woman with skin like the snow underneath his feet, they remained still. Every line and fiber of muscle laid flat beneath their undead skin. Even their bat-like wings stayed tucked behind them while their heads hung in respect— much like the Lupines in front of him. No movement.

"Not them…"

His body was still on alert, causing him to continue searching fearfully, the other bowing Lupines began to stir as well.

Despite Remus's slumber, something inside NoxIce Keep was awake. Very awake. He could feel it fully now. See it even.

Within the murky depths of the castle's corridors, something— many things, walked. He could see the distortions in the shadows signifying their movement, hear the rustle of their fur and dragging it something large, heavy and metallic. He could even smell them as the wind brought it straight to his golden snout.

They smelled of oldness. Old air, old fur, old blood and old death.

The scents and their slowly purposeful movements brought to life an image within his mind. An image of life-like guarding titans dragging weapons along the ice too large to be wielded by man.

"You're shaking. You must feel them, they feel you too." Jack said, sounding absolutely serious for the first time. Samuel was too shaken to take his eyes from the castle, but he knew that if he looked at Jack, the Lupine would look excited in a twisted way.

"What you see and feel inside the castle are Remus's most loyal and trusted Guards. We've learned to know them as the Primal Reapers. Any Lupine that gets too close is turned into their lunch….any Lupine that isn't strong enough meets a similar fate." Jack said.

While Samuel listened to him, he continued scenting the air, unfolding layers of old smell to reach something different. Something oddly unique. They didn't smell like the others….or Vampire….or WereWolf.

"Hmmm." Jack said in understanding, "They don't smell like Lupine because they aren't human. Well— they didn't start as human….that's why they stink like ass. At least that's how the story goes. Apparently— after Romulus was defeated, Remus learned of the Curse and went mad— leapt over his own personal boundaries and transferred the gift to something….other. Something that lacked the mind to think of betraying him during his….super nap. Now, they protect him and keep only the strongest of our race alive."

Samuel shook off another wave of fear. "I wonder how often that happens.."

Immediately after that thought, one of the Lupines in human form holding a transformed one similarly to how Jack held him, dragged it closer to the castle. He could smell their fear, but the Lupine in human form walked with confidence.

"What are they doing??" Samuel thought as he looked from them to Jack.

Jack was daydreaming about a particularly enjoyable dream based on the way he smiled and snapped at the air before realizing Samuel was watching him, "Oh— what? Ahhhh. All newly changed Lupines must face NoxIce and it's Reapers to see if they're worthy of the gift and worthy of serving our Leader. It can be quite fun the witness the outcome."

Samuel suddenly realized something horrifying. He was there for the same reason.