As Rollan stated, they needed to prepare for the violence that was to come. And everyday after his reminder, his words fell on Claude's ears louder and louder as the Moon continued to open up to the world below.
He could feel its growing effects. Progressively getting worse. His skin would randomly heat up and itch like a colony of fire ants were assaulting him. He'd have random fits of increased aggression and the normal hour morning workouts on top of hunting and training were becoming less and less effective. Just as they did last Full Moon. Only now, the results weren't apparent in him and the twin sons of Ronin.
Now, it was him and the hibernating Berserker, feeling the effects and slowly changing. For the first time in what felt like centuries, she didn't look completely comatose. Instead, she thrashed and snarled and let out these odd huffing noises that dropped her voice a few octaves lower than he was used to.
He suddenly understood what she must've felt when she watched him in his changed slumber in the University Infirmary. To be of no help, it felt horrible. A fact made even worse when he had no idea what she was seeing behind her closed eyes. Whatever it was, he could only hope it wasn't too intense. The real world would be happy to gift her with more than enough intensity when-- if, she finally woke from her sleep. And if they went off him and Samuel's slumber length, she had a week and a half to go....
But, Claude and Ursula weren't the only one's hearing and reacting to the sky-bound feral song of Luna. Her soundless song of burning magic and ferocity was one heard by all predators and hysteria inducing to all all humans. You could be someone as strong and illustrious as Ronin. And still, when the eye of the night sky opened, sweat would slick your limbs and fear would pour from every inch of your being like a tidal wave. The same could be said in reverse. Even the weakest predator on earth felt the urge to hunt as the days came closer to its full ascent.
So, one blind middle-aged man worked his way around carefully. He carefully worked his way around his home that was actively being guarded by a pack of predators that felt the call of the moon. Maybe stronger than usual. Anxiety sometimes aggravated things. And anxiety was all they could feel after learning of the touch of the desert and the way it would only grow stronger under the maddening light of the moon.
That same anxiety carried them along in their tasks for preparation. Everyone had a part to play.
They replanted a number of SpellBloom Wards that Claude grew to full power in a flash. But for some reason, Rollan didn't let him use his Magic to grow much else....odd for a Nature user.
Either way, after the man watched him grow the SpellBlooms, he began to question Claude's power and its similarity to his own. Something told him if he learned they were the same, that would strain their dynamic. Neither of them needed any extra strain until after they survived the Full Moon.
Speaking of Rollan, he also spent more time in the confines of his home, making and preparing back-up salves and something special for Claude that he wouldn't expand on.
He could only hope it worked in their favor. A hope made stronger in response to the ominous words of a certain god who could only express his excitement for what was to come.
Thursday Morning, November 29th, 2240. One day until Full Moon...
The very real and comforting domain of earth was a distant echo that didn't reach the cold and dark expanse of the Astral Realm Claude had spent the last few hours inside of. Fighting and failing endlessly.
Just like their first fight, the Troll continued to goad him into reckless combat and swing it's magically empowered stone club that terraformed the mountain they fought on. They'd fought so much that the left side of the mountain looked completely different compared to when he first stepped foot onto the cold battleground hidden within it's peaks.
Due to this, their battles took place all over the mountain instead of any designated spot. The change worked in his favor, requiring more agility and stamina from them both to battle and effectively traverse the cold and wet stone mountain.
Along the way. He failed, but also learned. Speed was always the key-- even if Fenrir spoke of needing strength. Claude wasn't like Fenrir in that regard. Fenrir was a monstrous god of power, vengeance and dominance. And Claude was a Lupine of speed, stamina and ferocity. He needed to overpower the Monster with his own gifts. Fenrir would be pleased either way.
But, that was only one piece to the puzzle that would result in his victory. The other requirement was the most severe.
The bane of Claude's existence.
The Troll enjoyed and was susceptible to banter. Even though it spoke the human language, it's intellect was incredibly low. In such a battle, Claude's words were as deadly as his claws.
Unfortunately, they weren't deadly enough yet. Which is way he laid in a broken heap at a lower level of the Mountain. He'd failed again. But Fenrir wanted him to stay for some reason.
"BoY!.....YoU ProGreSS aT the SpEed of A SnAIl.....rrrrr...."
"Progression is progression..." He growled at the apex of the mountain above where Fenrir resided while his hands fastened around the Troll's leg he'd ripped away before falling.
Fenrir barked, a sound made louder by the clap of thunder-- shutting Claude up in seconds. "BUT!....I tHinK ThEre Is A.....rrrr...A CHAnCE FoR YyyOu to...PrRrrRogresS FasTeRRR.....ELSewhere.."
Claude felt the burning stab of Fenrir's intensive gaze fall on him, forcing his body to try and curl up into itself. He knew what Fenrir was talking about.
"SoON...YoU WiLl BE....wHAT YoU ARE SuppOSed to...Beeeeeee...."
Claude snapped at the sky in anger before grumbling to himself, "Why the fuck are you like this?"
To his surprise and misfortune. The God of Wolves heard him as clear as day.
In a flash of movement, Fenrir blasted down the mountain moving as a large heavy shadow in the night sky, brightened by his chaotic reddish orange eyes. Claude had never seen his eyes. They looked like two worlds in an infinite ball of flames. He'd only seen a glimpse of them and his body turned to ice. It was like his eyes were a picture-esque rendition of what he wanted for earths future. Destruction.
He couldn't move. Even as Fenrir landed at his feet, he couldn't even look anywhere but the sky while the Monsters breaths burned the floor around him.
For a moment he raged. Snarling and howling while he bashed himself into the mountain creating absolute chaos before finally finding his words. Although, they didn't sound any less chaotic.
"YOU....StuPID BaSTaRD BOy! YoU AsK ME...rrrrGR...Why I'M LikE ThiS? WhY I wAnT YoU TO Be LiKE ThiS? It'S BECausE...I...HAVE...NO...CHOICE! Or DiD YoU FoRgET It WaS HumAnS WhO ConSPiReD AgAinst mE?!.....HM?! ThE HuMAnS WhO ShOVED A blAdE ThROuGh My FACE!....AnD ChAinEd me UP.....RRRRrrr...."
He paused for a moment. Breathing heavy ragged breathes that faded by the sudden snowfall. When he spoke again, he sounded unnaturally a way he'd only spoken one time before.
"You ask me why I'm like this. It is because the humans chose their side long before I was a child I was foolish enough to think that their side would accept me...forget who my father was since even I didn't know him. I was wrong. And you're like me. You will learn that you too are wrong, you idiot. What do you think you are living? Do you think your work as a Hero will be taken into account when the world learns of what you are?"
A simple question with a deadly truth that rang along with it. Even though he never worked as a Hero to please any living humans. Fenrir's words held truth. Claude tried to shake off the images of Ronin and the Detectives but they didn't waver. They were living examples of Fenrir's words. And he knew so.
"....You are not living a fairy tale. Embrace your reality or be bound by it eternally. We are Monsters and you will herald my emergence in your world through tooth and claw....because that is what a Monster does, that is what the humans have left us with. Give me the battle I've been asking for upon my return. Stand in my way and show the world it has no chance....but know that when you do so, it won't be at the benefit of humans. Just as this Full Moon won't be at the benefit of anyone but yourself and those like you. You will once again be forced into your true self. Learn from it. There's only a matter of time left, boy. Your Sun will fall. The Moon will rise. And Winter will come."