Silence had fallen over the group surrounding the fire.
Rollan drank himself to sleep. Ursula ate herself to sleep, and the Wolves and Bird were content resting around them like a collection of living breathing fur carpets.
Claude sat with himself and Arne taking it all in while the fire burned and crackled ahead.
"[You'll need to train her.]"
So much for taking it all in.
"Preparation for the first Full Moon. I remember it." Claude replied while chewing on the cooked Deer meat.
"[Do you have any plans?]"
"Rollan spoke of a nearby City. I'll take her, we'll do what I did....and protect Rollan's home while we're still here. Maybe even get some better clothes...and Armor....and Weapons..."
"[Very well. But you do remember you're technically on the run, yes?]"
"Yea, stay away from the Enforcers and Detectives. Which is easier said than done."
"[Yes, I advise you to talk more about it with Rollan sooner than later so you know what you're getting into.]"
"Agreed. And after I tell her what I can about being a Lupine, we'll enter the Cities in search of work. It'll be dangerous but necessary. For now she can sleep." He said before tearing the last piece of meat off the bone while looking at Ursula.
She slept with her back flat against the log, snoring louder than a bear. Pieces of meat stuck to her lips and finger nails accompanied by berry juice as if she were a child who just had a messy dinner.
"[To know so little..]"
"Yea, I'm glad she seems to enjoy cooked meat. This whole thing could've gone very differently if she didn't.."
"[Hah. True, indeed.]"
Claude turned his head in curiosity, "To be honest. She enjoyed everything she ate. I wish my experience with eating remained similar...."
"[It is rather unf--...]"
Arne seemed to fade out of talking.
"Arne...hello? .."
"...Can internal voices have connection issues...or....??"
Still silent.
Claude cringed and winced at the violent array of verbal wordings he was throwing out into existence.
"[Whomever IS WATCHING THIS BOY FROM ABOVE! Stop throwing curveballs before I shove my boot so far up your arse you start coughing up shoe laces!]"
"Whoa, Arne! What's the problem?" Claude thought, now standing and alert.
He was so worked up, he was actually breathing raggedly, as if he actually breathed oxygen, "[Claude. In our catastrophic mess of a day. We missed a teeny tiny minor detail. We missed a FUCKLOAD of minor details now that I think about it!]"
"Details such as???"
"[Look. At. Her. Hands.]"
Claude followed the directive. The same as before. Calloused thick fingered hands, littered with pieces of cooked meat and berry juice that Frosty was sneakily licking clean as if they couldn't see him.
He couldn't believe he missed it. The most minor detail on earth. One of the first things he learned about living as a Lupine.
He was taught that Lupines are Hypercarnivores. They can't eat Fruits and Veggies-- they taste horrid, even worse than cooked meat. The only real thing that tastes good is blood and raw meat. The diet of a predator.
And yet, there Ursula was. Dinning on cooked meat by the pound and freshly grown fruits by the handful...
Claude felt his stomach twist into a knot, "Wait-- so she's not a Lupine?"
Arne sighed, "[No. Of course she is. Fuck.....we are about to skip quite a few lessons this time, Claude.]"
"How do you mean?"
"[Well. I don't know if you're ready to hear this. But I think it's time I told you the Tale of Romulus and Remus....just keep an open mind and try to understand, there's much of the world you haven't yet seen.]"