They had made it into FeliAlu City....
The sounds of the impatient crowd and neighing Horses faded the second their feet landed on the cracked and split black surface of the street that seemed to run endlessly down the strip of city that expanded before them.
The city was like nothing he'd ever seen. Surprising him by it's sight once again now that he was actually within. To his left and right, buildings climbed and loomed overhead like glass mountains studded with jarred torches that glowed in shades of greens, reds and blues with a magical essence. Despite it's cleanly human sight, a touch of wildness laced through the light city with roots and vines bulging from the old street and sowing through the broken remains of buildings before growing into trees that covered some of the gaping holes in the massive brick structures, making it look less abandoned and more rural. As if the growth and nature had seamlessly melded with the remains of old world design.
People moved everywhere, entering and exiting the large buildings and smaller business that felt more real than the others. They passed Herbal Shops, Armor and Weapon-Smiths, and Clan-Quarters, which Ursula informed him were locations where Clans of Witches and Wizards laid in wait for any Heroes or Hunters in need of help for coin.
The level of activity was almost dizzying as he found people even above street level, traveling by some metal pathway that snaked in and out of the clutter of buildings following the direction of the street they were on off to the right. It was full of normal looking people. Young and Old, no Heroes.
Ursula told him they were called High-Walks. Monorails of the Old-World.
With all the new sights, Claude almost missed them rounding onto a large building dozens of NightRunners were pouring into. He could only see it in flashes as the massive Palm Tree's twisted by any matter of Magic blocked his vision rhythmically, but from what he could make out, the building was massive.
"[Massive indeed.]" Arne confirmed in the following Minutes that lead to them facing the building off to the right of the incredibly wide road.
Like many of the others, it looked almost entirely made of ocean blue spotless glass, only interrupted by the High-Walk cutting in front of the building forty feet above. Other than the glass, it was bordered by matte black structuring that looked to be made of stone. And despite it's pristine cleanliness, a quarter of the building was trashed. Looking as if a monster the size of a mountain took a bite out of it and left the inside open to the world.
The only reason he couldn't see within was due to the massive oak tree that twisted through the ground and snaked in and out of the building before it's bushy green top emerged to fill a majority of the gap in the structure.
Below the tree where it couldn't cover all of the hole and left the inside of the building to be partially seen, he found himself looking into a pair of sickly green slitted eyes. They stood out among all the flashing lights with an unrivaled and cold intensity. The eyes were off but he couldn't understand why. They were fierce....hungry...calculating.
The cat leapt up into the broken border of the building before beginning to bound and leap down the roots of the tree that ripped through the building and led to the ground.
The black cat landed soundlessly on muscled and well fed legs before turning and jetting off into a nearby alley.
Claude shook off a shiver of lifeless coldness and turned to Ursula who looked like she just ate a boulder. Frosty whined beside him.
"Of course...this is the fucking public GuildHall. Now I know why this smelly ass city is so familiar."
"What?" Claude said before looking up to find the sign of the building glowing above the ocean blue glass in a shade of fiery red.
"Grand-Knights Public GuildHall....Oh fuck."