CHPT 504: Red Queens Prophecy

"Now, where was I?" Rupont started as he opened the bag and took out the book.

"Nothing about that book is real. The Elders banned it for a reason. It pushes…. A narrative." One of the older looking Vampires said as he fought to stand, healing at incredible speeds.

"The Elders are held by the pockets. And fortune is as metaphorical as that phrase." Rupont retorted. "They lie for a benefit that doesn't involve you. Would you all like an example?"

The Vampires didn't need to respond.

It's said that banned historical texts are either burned, or hexed. This book isn't burning…? So if I open it a Hex of eternal sunlight should cook me to ashes."

Rupont teleported over to the Vampire that spoke and forced the book into his hands.

"NO! NO! AHH—" Rupont forced his hands to open the book before Sylvia could react.

The crowd cringed.

"No sun. Interesting." Rupont took the book back and teleported back to the podium.

your Elders are feeding you lies does that not make you hungrier for the truth?" Rupont held up the book and studied it, uncaring of the many eyes on him.

"Fate is interesting." He started randomly, "Some people hate it. Many people hate it. Fate is rarely doing the populous a favor. This time, it may."

"Catching the Elder Vamps in a lie seems to have caught the crowd." Cassidy spoke in Claudes mind.

"Good. Let's hope they stay that way." Ursula replied.

They won't." Claude said, "They are strongly against whatever that book vouches for…. They just need to hear one inconsistency to start another fight. Rupont was smart for opening the book to someone who was too scared to read it."

The two agreed as Rupont started.

"Three…" He started, "Three women. Triplets. I've read that in the Old World…. Pre Old World, anything and everything was a supernatural phenomena flanked by deadly hysteria. They had reason. I believe, magic existed once before…. Before the Tangents. It had to."

Claude never thought about that but it made his skin cold.

Rupont continued, "I say this to say, back then, magic was not a good thing. Far from it. It was a death sentence. Anything opposing the status quo made you the enemy. A vagrant…. An outsider…. A Vampire. A Witch."

Rupont looked at Claude when he said Witch.

"That's what these three women were. Blessed by Magic in a world that viewed it as a curse. Back then magic wasn't a system with grandiose abilities and flashy colors. It was….. grounded. It was like water…"

He looked Claude's way again.

"Formless…. Cool …. Refreshing …. Deeply unknown. These three women swam in that unknown. They had no fear— no emotion really…. They were cold. Unlike other humans because humans made them as such. They witnessed the hanging and burning's of so many they had to be. They lived in a society so over saturated with panic they had no room for it. Only the magic. And they got good at it. They learned of its heights and limitations. They learned those same things of their enemies. They adopted whatever forms drew fear throughout the ages. Witches…. WereWolves …. Vampires. The public named them, they didn't care for titles. They cared for vengeance at least one of them did."

Oh man…. This sounds like Romulus and Remus."

"I knew this smelled familiar." Cassidy replied within his mind.

"Yea, but it also sounds just like Maris." Ursula added.

They didn't speak. Sometimes agreeing in silence was better….

"[Cant wait to hear how one of them becomes a sadistic murder psycho scumfuck.]"


"[My apologies.]"

Rupont continued, "Their names aren't given in this book. But I've read others. Throughout history they hide in the fables human children read for fun. They hide in our very bloodstream. All we know is there were three, distinct, characters. The Dreamer, The Survivor, and The Hunter. The Hunter was the oldest, she was fierce, violent and as heartless as the rest. Sometime along the way of enduring a world that hated them she lost her mind. Her sisters killed her and ate her. The Survivor was the second oldest, she died being tortured— giving up her sisters whereabouts in hopes to skirt death once more. Her corpse was never found. "

I take it The Dreamer ate her.]" Arne commented.

"….We all know the profound magical potency of sleep and it's connection to the gods beyond this plain. Back then it wasn't so different. The Dreamer was like many Reborn humans in that way. As the youngest she slept deep and dreamed often— even when awake, entering delirious states of confusion. She spoke of mixing worlds like stews in a pot. She spoke of man's nightmares becoming their own daydreams. She said they'd die if they stayed alone like the others….. like us. She said one of them would transform the world through joined blood."

THIS STORY SUCKS RUPONT! Where is the violence!?! AND SEX?!?" Abis yelled while standing on their WereTigers.

Everyone ignored the Rakshasa Vampire.

"This is freakishly similar." Claude commented.

"[Well, Romulus was close to prominent Elder Vampires. I wouldn't put it past him to be inspired by a text like this. I'm sure there's word of these Red Queens elsewhere.]" Arne commented.

"This would've only solidified his cause for creating us." Claude agreed.

Rupont closed the book. The Vampires hissed at the sound.

"These women had long lives. And they had their progeny spread— often without their own consent, across the world. Many died. Most all I'm sure. But some survived. And in their blood was something sleeping... swimming… Hunting…. Surviving …. Dreaming. It stirs now. It's close to waking up. I've seen it with my own eyes."

One of the Islandian Coven members spoke up, "You make the story digestible, no? You leave out the true horror of the Red Queen Prophecy."

Rupont raised an eyebrow at him, "And what horror is that?"

"WereWolf and Vampire becoming one. With so many urges and weaknesses we will die as mindless animals."

"And what if your urges are negated?" Rupont questioned.

"Then this Red Queen is the Royal you say she is. But not mine. I will never become one with the Silver Cursed."

Rupont smiled, "What about the SkinWalkers…? And the Wendigo? And Dogmen? And so on?"

The Vampires had all but left the room.

"You're all still thinking so small! I'm talking about an intersectionality of us all. It's only possible now— and we need it. Many powers stir that wish to see us fall. Our enemies are not humans— they are not just humans. And our allies are barely are own. Look at the ground. That's who we lay beside."

Rupont put the book back in the bag. "Think on what I've said here. Leave The Sunlands and decide where you stand before it's too late."

Is that a threat of war?" Sylvia questioned.

"We are already at war."

"Lupine." Sylvia called out to Claude, "Is this what you want? I heard Romulus kind have died once already."

"I'm not Romulus. And I want what's best for my people….. last time I checked most of you all viewed us as slaves. I don't do chains." Claude replied

The group left.


They all sat in the elevator in silence.

"So, Maris isn't a Vampire." Ursula commented.

"No." Rupont said, "She's what existed before it was all so strictly divided. I guess a better term would be Praetor-Witch. It's all in the blood. Also Claude, well done. You incapacitated an Elder Vampire. Not many can claim as such."


[My god another Roman name.]"