Do I like Hoseok?

[Yoongi's Pov]

I shook my head,pushing my useless thoughts at the back of my head.Me? Falling in love? Impossible.I'll never fall for someone.I swear to myself that I will never fall for her tricks.I knock on her door and she opens the door with a frown and gaves me a 'what do you want' look."Can you even speak?" I asked."Ofcourse I can,Yoongi." She crosses her arms.Why did my heart skip a beat when she said my name? Why..This d*mn thing! Why are you like this?! You can't fall for her! i"I'm going to the restaurant for a while ,don't go anywhere." I said."What?! Why?!" She again complains in satoori.Well,that's cute.I mean that was disgusting."There was an salary-chef didn't show up and we are short in employees so they need me there.Don't go anywhere." I said."Here are extra keys,if you go out and get locked out." I give her a duplicate key of my key of the house.Before she could say something,I already went downstairs and exited the house.

[Yoona's Pov]

Wah..That..That Stupid Cat!! How dare he just walk away like..wah..I can't believe this."Wow that Cat just walked out like that without even saying anything like 'Bye Yoona! Take care' or 'Bye Babe! See you later at dinner!' " I huffed out all my rage."Well,not my fault he's an ice king." I roll my eyes.I don't wanna eat,I'm not hungry at all.I approach my bed and slowly,I blacked out.


I wake up and noticed it was an hour and a half since I..fainted.I got up and got a call unknown number.I press the answer button and said "Who's this?" "It's me Yoona-ssi." The voice sounded familliar though."Who exactly?" I asked."Jung,Ho,Seok." Oh Hoseok! "Oh,Hoseok yes?" I asked."Wanna come with me at my studio?" "Studio?" "Yeah,the one you saw in TV!" He exclaims.Oh the show where he teaches dance choreography."Uh sure!" "Great,I'll be waiting at your front door." Wait,My front door?! He's here?! I ran towards the window and saw him waving."Y-Yeah.Give me 15." I hang up and panicked.What should I wear? I paced back in forth.We're going to a dance studio.Might as well wear clothes for dancing.He'll ask me to dance right? Or teach me? I should just wear anything that suits the situation.I'm sure he'll like anything.Besides,who can turn him down? I ran over the closet,realizing I wasted one or teo minutes thinking about what to wear.I took out a white longsleeve and sweatpants.What? I want to be confortable.I put some socks and took my boots.I put my keys and phone in my pocket and placed cat food for Peace.I got out and locked the doors.I saw Hoseok wearing the clothes he usually wear when he teaches choreography.Street fashion,Let me say,HobiCore.He wears something so colorful.It makes me happy.

"You look happy today!" I giggle.He makes me happy.From the very short time I met him,he already has proven to me that I can trust him,and he's gonna be a good friend to me.He's gonna be there when I need him,when he needs me.Just like how I want my boyfriend to be.Can it be..that I like Hoseok? Do I like Hoseok?