Plan in action

The captain of guards was still observing through his binoculars when....

Booom Booom Booom.. the thunderous explosion shook the whole place.

Three explosions took place simultaneously, three cars that were parked in the same lane as that of the SUV's exploded and hit the walls of the school breaking them down.

Both the security guards and the men in black suits were taken aback with this sudden development, all the security guards gathered around the front gate and the broken wall with heavy fire arms, especially pointing it at the men around the SUV's.

The black suited men also took cover behind the SUV's with their gun loaded. Both the groups had entered a stand off...

As the explosion took place different kinds of alarm started going on inside the school, the teachers were not panicked but started leading the children to safe areas in order.

They had already practiced drills on similar occasions, but children were children, especially the smaller ones... some of them started crying and it became especially hard to control them ... but among them a 7 year old girl with pony tails was observing the surroundings calmly. This kid had beautiful blue eyes and a pretty face, she was much intelligent compared to her peers....

More staff entered the smaller kids classroom to help with their relocation, One particular guy in the staff dress was observing each and every kid keenly, until his eyes fell on the blue eyed girl.

He got close to her and whispered something to her, the guy was surprised to find the kid acting so calm and nodding at him with an ok sign.

This guy who was disguised as a staff was of course Raymond, he had smoothly entered the school with the help of jazz who had disabled all the security measures and his own controlled explosions were used at the same time to create a smooth path.

By the time the teachers had gathered with the children and started taking the roll call.

A single kid and staff had gone missing.

A sedan was parked a little far from the school in an inconspicuous way. A young man wearing glasses and wireless headphones was sitting on the driver's seat continuously typing on his laptop and speaking into the headphone, the peculiar thing about this guy was that there was a tattoo of a robin on his neck.

Raymond and Alvilda arrived beside the sedan and entered without making any commotion, and the car started moving.

Jazz, Raymond and Alvilda were making their get away when Raymond looked at the kid and thought, of course she is the daughter of boss Aesir...

Raymond " kid you are really cool.. you were not at all panicked, even though all kinds of things were going around you..."

Alvilda " of course I am cool, my father had already taught me how to deal with such situations... if you hadn't spoken the secret code that my dad taught me, I would have immediately exposed you to the teachers and security..."

Raymond was having cold sweats on his back, at the same time Jazz gave out a mocking laugh while driving.

In the beginning Raymond had thought of using force to abduct the target instead of convincing and taking away the kid. He had thought that it would take more time to convince the kid and it would also be a pain in the ass... But Jazz had convinced him to follow the plan put forward by Aesir.

And now he found that it was a good thing that he didn't go on with his own plan, who knows what might have transpired...

Alvilda was a little troubled even though she put forward a calm face, she knew such measures are taken at emergency times so she asked....

" what happened .... how is father and brother..."

Raymond " this.... we will explain everything once we reach safety.. ok, Ragnar will explain everything, we are also not sure about the whole situation..."

They reached the meeting point fast ... Ragnar was already waiting for them in another car, all three of them got on the second car ditching the first one.

Alvilda was troubled but she kept her silence throughout the journey after seeing the serious look on Ragnar's face.
