Chapter 11: Perverted Wangja

Youxian stirred awake twenty minutes later. His eyes opened while his body felt cold. His throat was parched. Opening his mouth he tried to call for someone but the sound was muffled. He tried moving his arms but they were stuck. Raising his head confused he saw his hands were tied up together over his head. Youxian tried pulling his hands back to himself but they wouldn't budge. He began to panic. His head lulled from left to right but he could figure out where he was.

"I see you're finally awake Ah-Xian," Changling cold voice sounded from behind him. Youxian's body stiffened after Changling's voice drifted into his ears. Changling got off the bed with the cane in hand and walked over to Youxian elegantly. From behind, Youxian's flat bottom looked mouth-watering to him. Changling was sure that if he spread them lightly with his thumb, he'd come face to face with his entrance that engulfed his finger's tightly last night.

Reaching his hand out, he grabbed Youxian's left cheek, pinching it up and watched as it bounced back into place as Youxian's shocked muffled voice echoed into the background made Changling's eyes widened in enjoyment at the new discovery. Youxian, although his buttocks looked flat, they were actually plump and had much elasticity to them. Unable to help himself, he dropped to one knee and sucked in a mouth full of Youxian's left cheek. His tongue traced over it inside his mouth while he kneads the other cheek with his right hand. Youxian was a muffled yelling mess above Changling with his eyes slowly rolling back into his head and his cheeks flushed.

He tried moving but couldn't. Kicking his legs was also out of the question since he was mindful not to actually hurt the Wangja behind him. The suction power of Changling's mouth was so… so… so electrifying that it sent current's towards his shaft erecting it. Youxian didn't want his body answering to Changling and tried his best to think of unappetizing images, 'Breast! Think of a woman's breast! Think of vagina's, fuck I hate them…' as he tried his best to calm himself, Changling's free hand rubbed up his spine sending shivers throughout his body.

His touch reminded him of what transpired last night. Remembering Changling's delicate, stimulating ministrations his eyes dilated and filled with desire. The cane in Changling's hand dropped against the silk eliciting no sound from it. His hands slid up Youxian's sides and around to his stomach. His hands adventured Youxian's body looking for something while it gave Youxian and himself pleasurable feelings.

His hands reached the pink nubs that were dying to be played with on Youxian's chest. Changling effortlessly pinched them gently, poked them and twisted them, sending Youxian's body into a trembling mess. He whimpered and moaned as his body pressed against Changling's, wanting more than just what he was getting. Changling's mouth left the now swollen cheek that was redder than the other and kissed up Youxian's spine, gently and teasingly with his tongue drawing circles on his back.

He left trails of saliva and pink markings as he made his way up while his right hand slid back down Youxian's stomach reaching his black pubic curls. Youxian who was solely focussed on the lips leaving kisses on his back yelped when his curls were pulled at. His legs began to tremble in pleasure while he moaned. Changling smirked as he planted kisses on the back of Youxian's neck. He kissed towards the right resting his chin on Youxian's shoulder and kissed the side of his bobbing Adam's apple.

He was pleased to see that Youxian was enjoying himself and letting him do as he pleased, seeing that he willingly moved his head to the left for Changling to kiss on the right side of his neck. Kissing his ear, Changling asked lowly, "Ah-Xian, can you feel how hard you have me? I'm already leaking." Pushing his leaking shaft against Youxian's back and poking him with it made the younger boy's eyes shoot open. He looked into Changling's darkened lust-filled eyes that was looking down at him and whimpered. His own member was leaking already just from being touched.

He didn't want to acknowledge that this lecherous Wangja made him like this, on the verge to explode. Changling's gaze lowered to Youxian's weeping member, "All I did was touch and kiss you and you react like this, you're a mess Ah-Xian," he teased.

'I know,' Youxian answered him silently, he always wanted to be treated to the best of pleasure by a man but did not expect to get off by a Wangja of all people in this kingdom - was it his luck or was he in trouble? Changling moved out of view, positioning himself behind Youxian. He held onto Youxian with his right hand at the waist and his shaft with his left and slid his leaking mushroom head between Youxian's cheeks teasingly.

Doing this made Youxian's body stiffen in fear while igniting his savage instincts. Changling hissed as he passed his tip against Youxian's entrance struggling to move it away. Both of them were breathing heavily from excitement, Changling more than Youxian. Gripping firmly against Youxian's waist with both his hands, he slid his shaft between his legs, resting his chin on Youxian's right shoulder, he ordered in a strained voice, "Close your legs together tightly."

Youxian shook his head. He didn't want to continue this especially after he felt how big Wangja's shaft was against his entrance. Changling let out a low growl and snaked his left hand around his neck and squeezed, "Now!" he ordered. Youxian whimpered and did as told, squeezing his legs together, crossing his right leg over his left. Changling's grip loosened slightly. Holding Youxian's waist down with his right hand he started pumping himself between Youxian's legs.

Youxian tightly shut his eyes as he heard Changling panting beside his ear. His thrusts became faster and hard as he snaked his right hand to Youxian's weeping member and started pumping him in time with his own pace. Youxian's eyes shot open when he felt the hand squeeze him tightly and pump him faster. His mind blanked as pleasure and pain mixed around them along with his moans and Changling's grunts. He came shooting out cum across the room but Changling didn't stop. Instead, his grip around his neck tightened leaving Youxian to open his mouth and gasp for oxygen but couldn't because of the silk wrapped around his mouth. Changling paid attention to every detail of Youxian and saw his face turning red while it was strained. He loosened his grip and removed the silk from his mouth.

His hand slid back around Youxian's neck and squeezed. Youxian's "Ah's" sounded throughout the room stimulating Changling's vigour but it wasn't enough. He was nearing his climax but wanted something more. Changling watched as Youxian's face lit up in ecstasy and came again with a loud scream which made Changling's eyes darken. He pumped the last of Youxian's orgasm out and let him go. Stepping back, he walked over to the beam and undid the silk.

Youxian dropped to the ground on his side as he panted heavily. His body was slumped with fatigue but Changling wasn't done with him. He stalked over, reached down and gripped Youxian by the hair. Youxian's hands flew up, clawing at Changling's hand weakly. Sitting him up on his knees, Changling ordered, "Open your mouth!" Youxian had no fight in him and his voice wasn't listening to him. Changling narrowed his eyes on Youxian who was shaking his head. Grabbing his jaw, he forced his mouth open and stuck his shaft inside Youxian's mouth.

His eyes instantly started tearing up. Youxian's started chocking on Changling huge organ. He moaned against it trying to talk but in return, it was pulled out then shoved back inside his mouth hitting the back of his throat moving down deeper. Youxian gagged feeling the food in his stomach come up but it was forced down by the enormous shaft blocking its way. Youxian's grabbed Changling's sides, scratching him as he tried telling him what was happening inside his body but Changling wasn't listening.

He kept thrusting faster down his throat and came inside his mouth with a heavy grunt of pleasure. Youxian's eyes widened and before he could register what was happening his body couldn't hold back any more. He pushed Changling away who was in the mid of his climax, who stumbled back with wide eyes. Changling watched as Youxian threw up his undigested food on the floor. Changling immediately started panicking. He rushed to Youxian's side forgetting his pending seeds that were leaking out by itself.

He bent down and held Youxian's hair back with one hand and helped Youxian up with his other hand. He kept spewing his vomit all over the floor while his body was weak. He was terrified in the beginning because Changling had a terrible temper and was afraid that Wangja would hit him but instead, he was holding him up, holding his hair back and whispering words of comfort to him - confusing him.

After all the contents of his stomach emptied out his body fell limp forward but luckily Wangja was by his side and he fell into his arms instead. Changling picked him up and walked out of the chamber with him. Arriving at the side of his palace where the women were teaching Mei Yuan to make tea in the pavilion, he stepped through the doors. Mei Yuan cried in fear when she saw Youxian's limp body in Changling's arms, making he shake in fear not to mention that Changling was naked.

Rucheng got up, "What do you need?" she asked making her way over to them. Changling looked at her in panic, "Quickly get a bath ready, he's not doing too well," he said to her. She could smell the revolting stench coming from Youxian. She looked at her brother and saw the sweat beads on his forehead. She walked past him and nodded her head.

Changling walked towards the pavilion and sat down, looking at the two he said, "You two go clean the room and I want it spotless you hear me?" Yuhua nodded her head and got up but Mei Yuan was red in her face from seeing the two naked and hiding her face. Changling raised a brow at her making Yuhua glared down, she grabbed Mei Yuan who yelped as she got to her feet. She was dragged off while Changling seated a dazed Youxian on the cold bench. He hissed and sat up. Changling grabbed the cups of tea that were sitting around and poured some down Youxian's throat. He spat it out and glared at Changling who had worry written all over his face.

"What?" Changling asked. Youxian's glare softened slightly after seeing him worried for his sake, "Don't feed me shit!" he said. Changling looked down at the cup in his hand. Taking a sip, he spat it out in disgust. Youxian chuckled amused but stopped when he saw Changling look at him with a smile. "This is probably the Gongjunim's attempt at making tea," Changling said as he placed the cup down.

"She's got a lot to learn," Youxian commented. "Mn," Changling hummed. He hugged Youxian to him so that he could lean against him for support he looked at Youxian and asked, "Did you enjoy yourself?" Youxian glared at him as he blushed, "You lecherous Wangja! Wangja better stay away from me."

Changling scoffed, "No ways, I plan on fucking you." Youxian's eyes widened at this revelation. "W-what?"

Changling looked at the blushing young man before him, "Do I need to repeat myself? What we did there in your chamber is only the beginning." Youxian tried getting up but was pulled back into his arms, "But you have much learning to do. You need to learn how to take my cock deep into your mouth without throwing your food up," he whispered into his ear.

Youxian's body shuddered in fear with a slight hint of excitement, "N-no no, y-you can't!" he protested. "Ah-Xian, you are already mine so stop with your childishness and accept it," Changling said.

"No! Who gave Wangja the right?" Youxian asked with tears forming in his eyes. Changling hugged Youxian gently to himself. Pecking his neck he answered, "I told you before, it's all your fault."

"How is it my fault?" he asked with a trembling body as Changling ran his right hand up and down his right thigh as he held him down.

Rucheng interrupted them, "Ah-Ling, the bath is ready."

Changling scooped Youxian up into his arms bridal style embarrassing the younger boy who yelped. Changling made his way to the bathing chamber with Youxian in his arms. Rucheng went to get robes for them and brewed a pot of tea. She went to check on Mei Yuan and Yuhua finding Mei Yuan throwing up on the side of the palace.

Shaking her head, she went to check the damage and scrunched her nose when she saw the mess on the floor. "Ah-Hua, make her clean this up, you can't have all the fun. Open the back windows for the smell to get out and burn spicy incense for the smell too. It doesn't look like the bedsheets were used but change them anyway along with the draping, Hwan Baeuja's room needs to be cleared out properly," she said as she hauled the silk down from the beam.

Meanwhile, Changling watched Youxian brush out his mouth and clean it then pulled him into the bath with him. He sat down and forcefully placed Youxian between his legs. He forced Youxian to lean against him while he ran his saturated hands down on Youxian's smooth skin.

Youxian tried his best to compose himself but just Wangja's touch alone left his skin scorching in its wake. Blinking his eyes he continued the conversation from before, "Wangja didn't answer me," he said. Changling pecked his neck gently, "It's your fault because your lips are plump. It's your fault your nose is perfect. It's your fault your eyes stare at me with hatred. It's your fault your hair is like silk. It's your fault your face is attractive. It's your fault your body is perfect. Ah-Xian, it's your fault that you have my cock stirring. It's your fault for being perfect and it's your fault that I want you – all of you."

"N-no," he shook his head in denial. "Yes!" Changling countered as he raised Youxian's right leg and pressed his slick fingers into the disobedient tiny passage that denied him. He forced his slim finger in making Youxian arch his back from the pain and hiss. He released a shuddered breath and eased back down against Changling's chest the more he got used to the finger inside him. Both his feet tipped in the bath standing on his toes as he welcomed the finger. His breathing picked up as his eyes closed and let out low moans.

"Ah-Xian?" Changling called him.

"Uhmn?" He moaned out. His attention was focussed on the digit inside his passage.

"Don't forget to pleasure me," Changling said sucking in his earlobe and nibbling on it. Willingly, Youxian's hand snaked to his back and grabbed Changling's shaft. He started pumping it awkwardly but Changling swiftly raised Youxian up over his shaft. Youxian's eyes opened and saw the erect shaft between his legs and grabbed it with his left hand going back to his ministrations. Changling moaned and complimented his good work and entered another digit into the tight passage.

Youxian raised his soaking right hand up and turned his head to look up at Changling. He grabbed the back of Changling's hair pulling it down and latched his lips onto Changling's. Changling's eyes widened in surprise. He was hesitant to kiss Youxian back because he threw up before but eased into the kiss when he tasted that it was clean of the nauseating smell and taste. Their tongues danced leading into a passionate kiss. Youxian began rocking his hips against Changling's fingers that were stretching him out and venturing deeper.

Changling's hooded gaze took in all Youxian's desired movements and eagerness to be satisfied. Changling grunted as he felt Youxian bite his tongue. He pulled back with a frown and looked at the young man. Youxian looked up at him with desire and knitted brows while his mouth was still open, "Why did you do that?" Changling asked.

Youxian stopped moving his hips and started pumping Changling faster with a harder grip. Changling's arm around his waist held onto him tighter as he came shooting up into the air and his head dropped back. Youxian rubbed his thumb over the slit on Changling's mushroom head that sent shuddering shivers through Changling's body. Youxian looked back at Changling who he despised for coming to the imperial palace and threatening his position, not to mention taking him captive. He looked so vulnerable right now and so captivatingly delicious.

Pumping the last of Changling's seed out, he brought his hand covered in it to his mouth and licked his fingers. Youxian moaned as he devoured Changling's seed. He couldn't taste their deliciousness earlier on because of his undigested food and that it wasn't being forced down his throat, but now he could taste it since he willing made Changling cum and brought his soiled fingers to his lips to taste.

He started circling his hips as he sucked on his fingers. Changling behind him eyes darkened seeing Youxian behave like this. He pulled him back down to look at him better and started fucking Youxian with his fingers. He entered a third finger making him gasp in surprise. He stretched him out enjoying the moans and view. Youxian's legs widened welcoming him in and just as the cum on Youxian's fingers was licked clean, he yelped in surprise. Changling paused his ministrations. He rubbed his middle finger against the bump he just passed earning a pleasurable whimper from Youxian.

Smirking, he teased the soft skin a few more times as the moaning mess named Youxian protested for him to stop. Changling forced his tongue into Youxian's mouth and ravaged it. Youxian's stomach bulged and burned then his back arched as he shot his load through the air. The lecherous Wangja pulled his fingers out and pumped the shooting organ. Pulling away from their kiss he sat Youxian who was limp yet again against his chest. Changling leaned his arms against the edge of the bath happy at his new discovery. Youxian enjoyed being fingered and was quite the slut when he wanted to be but, as he was looking at his fingers that were inside his passage, the shit under his fingers needed to be attended too. Rucheng walked in just in time and set the robes on the table as Yuhua followed her placing down the tray of tea.

Rucheng walked up to the bath and looked at the two of them. Changling lifted Youxian up so he could be washed by her. He pulled his hands under the water and cleaned his nails. Yuhua came over to help Changling wash then helped him out and wiped down his back. She pulled a blue robe over his arms and handed him a cup of tea. Changling looked at Youxian whose face was flushed and staring at him. He quickly averted his gaze feeling embarrassed but he just couldn't help himself. He always wanted someone and imagined doing lewd things with that person - here this Wangja was doing it but it didn't feel right, he felt that something was off but the pleasure was good.