Chapter 21: A moment of greed

Youxian sat in the centre of the bed combing his hair out when Changling walked in. He briefly looked over his shoulder at him then returned to minding his business.

Changling sighed and took off his robe. He climbed on the bed and leaned against Youxian, hugging him asking, "Are you still angry at me?"

He shook his head without saying a word.

Kissing him across his left shoulder to his neck he said, "Tomorrow we'll get married, did you tell your parents?"

"Why would I tell them? They won't bother coming, there do not approve of you, your highness," he answered.

Changling lied on the bed and with his right arm under his head and looked up at him and said, "Well tomorrow will certainly be boring, our parents won't be coming either."

Youxian looked at him surprised momentarily but thought this had nothing to do with him and got up. Changling grabbed him by the wrist and asked, "Where are you going."

He showed him the comb in his hand and said, "To place this down and used the toilet or am I forbidden from relieving myself?"

Changling let him go without saying a thing. He climbed off the bed and placed the comb on the dressing table then went outside. He went to use the toilet and while he was washing his hands, up in the sky a meteor flew passing the earth but left behind green specks of dust which contaminated everyone who breathed it in.

Youxian was one of those and felt dizzy on his way back to the room. He quickly made his way back and found Changling a sleep. He coughed a few times before he climbed onto the bed, then went to sleep in his arms.

Youxian woke up to yelling and immediately knew that it was the emperor. He scrambled off the bed and rushed to where it the voices were coming from.

"You are not getting married and neither is Mei Yuan!" The Emperor said.

Changling sighed, "So why choose today to stop it? You know its too late."

"It's never too late, all I have to do is lock you all up!" He said angrily and walked away.

"W, what happened?" He asked.

Changling turned around, surprised. He walked over to Youxian and gave him a long hug, "Did I wake you?"

"Yes," he answered simply, and hugged him back.

Changling picked him up and carried him over to the pavilion. He sat with Youxian straddling him and said with a sigh, "Your king doesn't want us getting married, he says you aren't good enough for me."

"What?" He said confused.

Changling gazed into his surprised eyes, "Yes. He's been here the whole morning complaining about how I should wait for him to choose who I marry."

Youxian scrambled off of him baffled. As his eyes blinked, they began to water, here he thought that this marriage was forced on him but now, he wasn't good enough for the person he learnt to love?

Changling hid his smirk and grabbed his hand, looking into his eyes he said, "It's okay, I knew something like this would happened and arranged for the marriage official to come here, but I don't know any more, maybe he is right."

Youxian looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"You don't even like me so I shouldn't force this on you. Through that whole conversation with him, I was considering letting you go. You don't even like it here." He said.

"That's not true," Youxian said and knelt down. Looking at Changling he said, "I don't like you, I've learnt to love you. We may not have fell in love like others did but I enjoy being with you, I just wish you could give me more freedom."

Youxian sat back down on his lap and asked, "Or do you no longer like me Wangja?"

Changling ran his hands under his robes and groped his butt. He leaned his head against Youxian's chest saying, "I thought you no longer like me. You haven't touched me for a few days nor have you been speaking to me."

Youxian wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, "I'm sorry, I've been thinking too much since you told me about the wedding."

Changling moved his hands up to his waist and circled his hips. Youxian licked his lips and smirked. He kissed a trail down Changling's neck seductively and asked, "How about we have a pre-wedding celebration in your chamber."

Changling smirked and stood up with him effortlessly and carried him into the chamber. Lying him down on the bed, Changling pressed his hard-on against Youxian's entrance asking, " Are you sure you want to do this? I gave you enough time to yourself and I'm pretty confident you won't be able to stand in front of the official with me."

He ran his hands up Changling's chest saying, "I want you inside me Wangja."

Youxian's head was buried into the sheets as he felt pleasure beyond belief. His hands fisted the sheets beside his head as he let out moans from the pleasure he was receiving.

Yes, he liked Changling but he needed him to believe that he loved him. He never wanted to work a day in his life because he felt that he could be treated like a queen if he found the right man but he had to pretend to be something that he wasn't.

Changling wasn't his first choice but in order to live like a queen, having servants at his every call although they were his sisters-in-law, was what he wanted. He wanted money too and to spend it the way his mother did.

He lifted his head up and looked back at Changling, he had his head hanging back as he thrust in him and bit down on his bottom lip.

Pushing himself up on all fours, got Changling's attention who looked at him. He reached back and grabbed him by the neck.

Youxian slammed his lips against his and made out passionately while Changling maintained his powerful thrusts.

"I want, I want to be on top," he said in between breaths.

Changling flipped them over without breaking the connection. He looked up at Youxian and saw that he had lust swimming in his eyes.

Youxian stared down at him and said, "I want to hear you moaning, Wangja."

"Mn?" Changling hummed confused.

Placing his feet flat on the bed and his hands on Changling's chest. He raised his hips up steadily feeling his inner walls lose the feeling it loved as it held the organ that excited him. Circling his hips as he slowly came off the tip, he slid his hands up to Changling's neck and slammed down hitting his sweet spot in pursuit. His body was electrified by his bold action and his legs trembled.

What he thought was his pre-cum leaking out was in fact urine from the sudden thrust down.

Changling's legs trembled when the channel squeezed around him for dear life. "Ah," escaped his moist lips.

Sudden realization hit him at this point and taking advantage of Youxian's shock, he flipped them over, pressing Youxian's thigh's down. His knees reached his head while he was spread open and his organ was hanging near his face.

Surprise showed on his face as he gazed up dizzily at Changling who was staring at him, "What? I want to…"

"It's okay, you don't have to try so hard. Just accept what I am going to present you with," he said. He pulled back and thrust sharply against Youxian's sweet spot. He pulled out again then thrust inside again repeating his actions with pleasure.

Youxian wanted to hear him moan so he opened his mouth and with each thrust he let out a moan letting Youxian know exactly how he made him feel when their bodies danced on this bed within the chamber he locked him.

Youxian couldn't move and wanted to move so bad because his pee was going all over.

Changling came inside but did not stop, true to his words, he made Youxian incapable of standing in front of the marriage official as they got married under the moonlight alongside Qinghe and Mei Yuan.