
"What do you plan to do, Son?"

Melissa asked Bob. She knew that her son would stay with her but she doesn't want that to happen. Bob has been staying with her for months after all.

'It's going to happen again.'

As a mother, she wished her son would aim for more in his life.

"I plan to build a barn outside of Donut City." Bob replied.

Bob has never liked roaming around and fighting. He had that slight spark of an adventurer but tasting the love of his mother made him want to stay. Bob just loved his mother that much.

"Why don't you become an adventurer?" Melissa retorted.

"Why would I?"

"No other reason than to live your life."

Melissa looked up the ceiling and recalled the nostalgic past. She smiled and teared up a little. She remained silent for the duration of her reminiscence.

"You know. I want you to become just like your dad." Melissa longingly said.

Bob remained silent. He does not have any memory of his dad at all but he also felt the longing in his mother's voice. He does not have any idea what would happen when he met his dad, making Bob uncertain if he should look for his dad.

"Don't think too much. Your dad is a cool guy." Melissa continued.

"Listen. I already told you long ago that your dad was a very renowned adventurer. He singlehandedly conquered a Borc encampment with only a sword in hand."

Bob sighed when he looked at his mother's eyes. She was excited despite Bob's obvious refusal to her notion. Melissa remembered her husband from the past.

'He was valiant. He understood the feelings of the weak because he was one himself.'

"Mom. I just want to stay here with you. I don't need anything else."

"Fine, I will do it myself if you won't. I will become an adventurer!" Melissa exclaimed.

Melissa dropped a bomb of a statement. If her son doesn't become an adventurer, she will do it instead. This statement threatened Bob's plans for simple farm life.

"But Mom!" Bob complained.

"No buts. Do it now. What are you? Chickening out?"


The chicken looked at Bob with a belittling gaze. It was scoffing at him.

Bob remained silent for a while as he was thinking. He only wanted to be with his mother but it seems she wanted him to explore the world.

"Okay. I'll do it. I'll go and look for dad." Bob reluctantly said.

He felt that he should know more about his origins since gaining sentience but the mother's love he felt was too alluring. His mother's words just now reminded him of what he should do as a man and not a chicken.

Bob packed his stuff which consists of a weapon he bought with Chikinsupu and a basket for his chicken. He tied the basket on his back once more and got ready for departure.

"Mom. I'll make sure to come back as quickly as possible."

Bob said as he approached his mother. He opened his arms wide and hugged her. She did the same and embraced her child.

Bob walked outside the door and closed it. He stood still and had a determined look while he was thinking. He did not look back because he wanted that the next time he sees his mother, he would have found his dad by then.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Melissa stared at the chicken.

"Why are you still here?" She said towards the chicken.

The chicken stared at her and scratched her chicken feet on the sofa.


A moment later, they could hear someone talking outside.

"Hello, Adventurer. Have you seen my chicken?"

Bob experienced a relapse as he realized his chicken was not with him.


"System. What do adventurers do?" Bob asked as he did not know the purpose of the players.

*Players are aiming to get stronger within the world of Tudmang. With the recent update, there are now more reasons to get stronger and that is to immortalize your name in history.

"How do I get stronger?"

*The main way to get stronger is to level up. There are also titles that grant you additional effects and equipment that grant additional stats. For a more comprehensive guide on getting your power level over 9000, please follow this link. --->Link.

Bob looked at the first sentence. He did not even bother looking at the other ways because the system said that leveling was the main way of getting stronger.

"How do I level up?"

*You gain experience to level up and you can gain them from a variety of ways. Killing monsters and finishing quests are the best way to gain experience. Crafting classes also get experience from doing their crafts, the experience they get would correspond to the quality of the item they crafted.

"Ok. So I have to kill monsters then? That isn't hard at all."

Bob stood up from his seat on the sidewalk just outside his mom's house. He now had a goal and that is to get stronger to look for his father.

Bob walked to the city's outskirts and this time he did not forget to bring his chicken.

Once Bob was no longer in the vicinity, a voice resounded within an enclosed space.

"He's finally gone. I better start now."


Bob made it to Donut Plains, an area just outside of Donut City. There were plenty of weak adventurers that were scattered throughout and they were all fighting to get stronger.

"How do they do that?" Bob asked as he looked at the players using skills.

Bob did not have skills because he does not have a class. There was only one reason why Bob did not have a class, he did not create his character. So for now, this man will be stuck as a classless hillbilly.

"This monster looks weak enough."

In front of Bob was a bear cub. It had a long tongue that it uses to attack and disable its enemies just like a frog. The cubs are set at a height of half a meter but their HP is substantially sufficient to last a good fight.

Bob took out his Cracked Sword and carefully placed himself in a proper position to fight the bear cub.


Bob thrusts with his entire body but he left room for him to react for an attack. Unlike the time when he fought the horned rabbit, Bob now had little sense of battling.

The bear cub tried evading Bob's strike but it was a slow beast. Instead of evading, it chose to hit Bob with a counter with its licky tongue to deal some damage to his attacker.



*You dealt pitiful damage.


*You suffered 60 damage.

*Your HP is critically low.

Bob felt cheated. He was using a sword to attack a monster but it did show any sign of being injured. In fact, the system even had snide remarks about Bob's damage output.

On the other hand, he was licked by a tongue, which was soft, but it lowered his health down to less than half of his entire HP pool. While Bob stood and looked at the prompts, the bear cub licked him once again.

*You suffered 57 damage.

*Your HP value has reached 0.

*You are an Essential. You can't die.

*Your HP is set back to minimum.

Bob died. Or he should have but he's a cheat.

"Damn you!" Bob said as he struck the bear cub once more.

The battle continued for more than 10 minutes. Mainly because Bob could only deal the smallest amount of damage. The bear cub was confused why the person it was attacking never died.

*You have slain a Lvl 6 Brog Cub.

*You have gained 20 experience points.

Bob could not care less about the prompts. He was breathing heavily due to the rigorous exercise of beating up a bear cub with a weapon that was no better than a stick. He wheezed and gasped for air.

"What the hell? System! Why is, huff, my damage output so low?" Bob agitatedly said.


*You have 100 unused stat points. You should have known.

Bob never used his stat points because he did not know what to do with it.

"How does that, huff, increase my damage?"

*The STR stat increases all damages dealt by melee weapons. The AGI stat increases all damages dealt by ranged weapons. The INT stat increases a magic output of any spell. However, each stat also has a different effect. Here is a full definitive guide on stat points. --> Link

After knowing that, Bob instantly put all of his stat points on the STR stat. If other players were to know of his decision, they would laugh at him. His stat distribution was too one-sided when players would opt to put more points into vitality and agility to survive in a fight for much longer.

"Alright. Let's fight another one."

Bob tested his newfound strength on another bear cub. He thrusts with the same weapon but this time, he had an enormous STR stat of 105.

*You have dealt a lethal blow to Brog Cub.

*You have slain a Lvl 7 Brog Cub.

*You obtained 25 experience.