Take Back the Night.

[World Message: A player has unlocked the first chapter of 'The Blood Moon' Seasonal Questline.]

[World Message: The covert attacks of the now ravenous werewolves were discovered. The werewolves will now begin attacking in retaliation.]

[World Message: When killed by a ravenous werewolf, your characters would stay for 24 hours for flavor text purposes. No equipment will be lost .]

Alarming prompts suddenly appeared in everyone's retinas. All the players suddenly stopped what they were doing to read the world message prompt.


[Your HP value has reached 0.]

[You are dead.]

[Commencing 24-hour login restriction.]

"Oh come on!"

Kazuma screamed in annoyance, he died because of the prompts momentarily distracting him. He was an assassin that was fighting with golems before he was snapped back to reality. His party was now left without a distraction and they would all be overrun with mini-boss mobs.

"Screw that. What the hell was that prompt?"

Kazuma did not care about his death at all. Although he lost a fair bit of experience, he cared more about the prompt that suddenly appeared in front of him.

So Kazuma removed himself from his rig and used his desktop computer.

"Let's see. The first chapter of the Blood Moon seasonal questline."

He woogled the terms he read from the prompt. But all he saw were articles that were from other games that were about to die due to Immersion Online's popularity.


A few minutes later, his cellular phone rang and Kazuma answered it without missing a beat. Kazuma was already holding his phone while waiting for that call. He half-expected that his party would be angry at his in-game death but that was not the case.

-Kazuma! Dude! Something big just happened!

"Nani? Da seysonaro evento jas sutartedo, rait?" (The seasonal event just started, right?)

Kazuma knows how to speak English fluently, but his diction is a different story. (AN: Please don't cancel me, this is only a joke.)

-Yes! We retreated from the dungeon because only death was waiting for us should we continue.

"Good decision. Tell me about the event, what's happening?"

-The system is saying that all cities suddenly are under attack by werewolves.

"Woah. Really?"


And back within the game.

[Werewolves that infiltrated the cities of the Kingdom of Doof began their attacks. Other kingdoms still have no witnesses.]

[Werewolf levels will vary based on each city's level]

This was a good sign. That would mean that cities like Donut City, which are filled to the brim with lower-leveled players, would get werewolf mobs that they can handle.

That was all for the prompts of the other players. But there was another prompt that was unique to only one player.

*You witnessed the atrocities of the ravenous werewolves.

*The system has granted you the title of 'First Witness'.

*First Witness

-This title is given to the player that unlocks the first chapter of 'The Blood Moon' seasonal questline.

-Title effect: 20% additional experience gain for the entire duration of the seasonal questline.

The prompts barred Bob's vision. He did not care about the prompts at all and focused on what was hidden behind it. When the prompts faded, the mangled body was nowhere to be found but there was a werewolf that took its place.


The door swung open as a figure bolted out of the house, the figure was carrying the bloodied body while Bob just stood in a daze. And to wake him up from his repulsed state, the werewolf in front of him rushed to attack.

*Your HP value has dropped to 0.

*You are an Essential. You can't die.

*Your HP is set back to minimum.

Bob experienced the pain and remembered the situation he was in. There was no time for Bob to stand in a daze while a werewolf's paw and claw pierced his abdomen.


The werewolf was confused, it thought that the person would die from the assault or at least get incapacitated. On the contrary, the person who was pierced by its arm seemed to be angry.

"You. will. die."

The werewolf heard threatening words and decided to back off. However-


Its arm was still lodged within the person's abdomen and held by the person himself. Bob was consumed with rage that he could no longer feel the pain, he was gradually getting used to experiencing pain.

"I told you."

Bob used all 105 of his STR stat as he gripped the werewolf's arm. He moved the arm a bit and twisted a bit of flesh using both hands.

"Awoo" The werewolf whimpered.

"You will die."


Bob pulled the arm and the werewolf was dragged to him. He used the momentum to thrash the werewolf to the ground and continued pummelling.

'It's not enough.' Bob thought to himself.

He felt that his punches were doing damage but it didn't feel right. His punches carried a heavy weight but his speed was not nearly enough. Bob wanted the werewolf to suffer faster than the speed he is doing at this time.

"System. Put all of my remaining stat points to attack speed."

*There is no such stat with that name. However, AGI would increase your attack speed.

"Then put it all on AGI!"

Even though it was a measly increase of 20 points to agility, it made a massive difference. Before putting the points in place, Bob's base agility was only 5, adding 20 was a five-hundred percent change. If the werewolf did not pierce his stomach and trapped its arm within the wound, Bob would never have had the chance to catch the beast.


Bob's hits became much faster. Giving no room for the werewolf to recover itself. The pummeling continued until finally-

*You have slain a Lvl 15 Apprentice Werewolf.

*You obtained 530 experience. (+106)

The werewolf vanished and left behind some loot. Bob felt the sudden anger within himself and did not stop hitting the werewolf until it died.

Although the werewolf was 2 levels ahead of him, it was not able to utilize its most powerful aspect, speed. The werewolf made a mistake and that is burying its arm into Bob's immortal body.

Now that the target of his enmity was no longer alive, Bob finally remembered the reality of the situation.

"Mom!" Bob howled with a tinge of sadness.

He rushed outside to follow the trails of the figure that carried the mangled body but once he witnessed the great outdoors.

"Kill it!"

"I wonder what they will drop."

"Help! Heal me, now!"

It was utter chaos. The werewolves who infiltrated the city began their attack as soon as Bob witnessed the mangled body within the house. That meant that while Bob overwhelmed the apprentice werewolf, the other players also did their best to fight against the other werewolves.


Bob could not care more about the chaos. He was more worried about his mother. However, Bob had no idea where to look as the chaos covered everything within the city.

He kneeled on the floor as the mayhem continued. He did not want any of this. He wished that somehow, his mom was alive, but even Bob knew when to give up.

"I'll kill each and every one of you."

Bob no longer wished for his mother's safety.

"I swear."

His rage consumed him from inside out.


He heard a low growl reminiscent of the sound he heard after witnessing the happenings within his mother's home. Bob looked at the source of the sound and he saw another one of the werewolves.

[Lvl 15 Apprentice Werewolf]

Bob stood up from his kneeling position and rushed to attack with his fist.


He missed. Or at least Bob thought so. So he attacked again.


He missed again. Nay. Bob did not simply miss, the enemy werewolf evaded Bob's slow attack.

The werewolf was toying with Bob's worthless movement and attack speed. Bob tried to attack again and lost within his rage, he overextended his assault and did the same mistake as when he fought the horned rabbit.

Bob fell face flat. The werewolf did not bother attacking and snickered. It was making fun of Bob's blunder.

'I'll kill you all. I swear.'

Bob cursed deep in his mind. He did not bother standing up at this moment because he knew that whichever way he attacks, the enemy will just evade.

After a few moments of laughter. The werewolf lost his amusement because his prey---Bob---was no longer moving.

Some predators like to play with their prey but once the prey gave up on life, it would be the time for the hunt.

The werewolf hopped on Bob's back and dug its claws into the back of his neck.

"Kul Kul kul."

The werewolf laughed. It finally was able to have a decent meal. However-

"gOt YoU." A distorted and muffled voice said.

The werewolf tried to jump back but one of his legs was held on to by Bob. It was not able to jump away and in turn, the force it used to jump back thrashed the werewolf to the ground instead.

Another scene of pummeling occurred. And this time, the chicken chimed in and pecked in anger.


*You have slain a Lvl 15 Apprentice Werewolf.

*You obtained 540 experience. (+108)

*Your experience has passed the threshold. You have gained a level.

*You are now level 14.

*You have gained 10 stat points to distribute.


Bob slowly stood up. He thought that the prompts would end after that as he experienced it before. But-

*Your contracted monster 'Lavanuk' leveled up.