Helpful Adventurer

"By the way. I was about to ask you what we can do with this thing." Bob asked Dan and presented the yellow mass.

"Hmm. Ah! This is jelly. We don't usually deal with this material due to it having such a low supply. But we can make something out of this, yep." Dan replied as he inspected the item in Bob's hand.

"What can you make out of this?"

"Oh? Do you really want to use it? Give it here, I'll see to it when we finish the renovations. There's not much to make a good piece of armor but that isn't necessary."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. The resulting equipment will instill vigor in the wearer's natural regenerative abilities. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes. That should be right."

Dan received the yellow mass. He motioned and stuffed it inside a bag that was much smaller but it suddenly vanished within the void.

"Inventory?" Bob was perplexed as he observed what just happened?


"Is that bag an inventory?"

"No. It's just a regular bag."

"But where did that yellow material go?"

"Inside? Why are you asking such an obvious question?"

"Because that doesn't happen!"

"You're being weird, Bob. Move along."

Dan no longer entertained Bob. He walked forward and his taut buttocks were in full display. Bob was left, utterly confused as to why the seemingly bigger item fit inside a bag that was smaller.

'That's strange.' Bob could only think to himself.

He looked around and he saw that nobody found the phenomenon strange at all. He was the strange one for acting surprised.

'Was I the only person without the memo?'

This was the clear difference between Bob and the rest of the NPCs. Bob gained his sentience without knowledge of game elements such as skills and classes.

On the other hand, NPCs were given AI that could deal with facts that weren't so immersive within Immersion Online. Bob thought that the world he was in was real due to a very real belief, while the NPCs were only programmed to believe.

"Keep moving, boy." A blacksmith, who wasn't wearing a top, put his shoulder over Bob as he said.

"Oh. You were the smith who cut my spear to size. I thank you for your service, sir." Bob moved away and bowed his head.

"It's alright, boy. Did you put your spear to good use?" The blacksmith waved his hand to signify that it wasn't a big deal to him.

"Yes. That's why I'm thanking you."

"Then just continue doing what you were doing. But for now, focus on the things we have to do."

Plop plop~

Flour and water mixed together. All the other smiths were busy with mixing flour to make cement. The smiths brought a lot of flour sacks, and even Bob had 10 sacks of it, courtesy of the system.

"Okay. Let's go fix some houses." Bob enthusiastically exclaimed.


Bob retrieved a sack of flour from his inventory and poured it on the ground. He procured some water with a pail and prepared to mix the flour and water himself.

"Aight. Time to mix."

[Giant Spoon with a Plastic Handle.

-Kingdom of Doof's famous shovel. It's just a regular shovel but with the aesthetics of a spoon.]

Bob held the giant spoon in his hands and began mixing. Slowly and surely, the dough was forming out of Bob's amateur hands. And soon enough-

[Is it Cement Dough?

-The cement that is famously known for its hardiness. Donut City's main structural material. Do not be mistaken, the flour from the sacks are deceitfully full of limestone and silica.]

He finished mixing his set of cement. And now, its time for him to use it to patch up some houses.

"Hmm. Which of these houses do I refurbish?" Bob looked for a house that had visible damage. But before he could do so-


A house suddenly crashed down into the ground.


"That's right!"

Bob heard cheering. He could hear that the muscular men were celebrating over the collapse of a house.

"Wait, what?" Bob perplexedly uttered.

Dan heard him. He turned his head and looked at Bob.

"Are you wondering why we broke this house?" Dan showed a dignified smile and asked.

Bob nodded to answer his question. He did not understand why they tore a house down if they were going to do repairs.

"Listen, kid. When the foundation was badly damaged, no matter how much we repair that broken foundation, it would remain vulnerable to shock."

Dan displayed a rare expression of seriousness.

"In that case, it's best to just remove everything and make a new foundation and work from there." He continued.

"I see." Bob understood the concept perfectly.

Dan continued looking at Bob. He flexed his muscles and assumed to strike a pose.

"Hnnng. This is an example of a strong body. But this body, this muscular body, isn't driven by the muscles alone. The foundation lies somewhere else." Dan continued striking poses and said.

"Where is that foundation?" Bob had his eyes fixed on Dan's glorious muscles.

Dan relaxed. His muscles that were on full display earlier were hidden. Dan walked towards Bob and used a finger to point at Bob's right chest.

"It is within the heart." He solemnly said.

"My heart is on the other side." Bob corrected Dan's mistake.

"It is within the heart." Dan used his other hand's index finger to point at Bob's heart.

Bob learned a life lesson. He understood that without the intent, dreams would never come to fruition. He needs to work on himself if ever he wanted to be strong enough to look for his dad.

While all of that self-reflection happened, to everyone else, Dan just used both index fingers to point at Bob's nipples.



[Quest Complete]

*You received 1000 experience.

*You received 50 gold.

*You received Basic Smithing Hammer, Basic Smithing Thongs.

*Intimacy with blacksmiths from 'The Best Smithy in the City' increased.

Bob finished the quest after repairing a house that had little to no damage. It took him a few hours to refurbish a single house. When he looked around, all the blacksmiths were moving at a pace that he couldn't catch up with.


But despite the quest finishing, Bob continued mixing flour with water and repairing houses. He didn't do the quest because of the tangible rewards it offered, but because he had an attachment to the city.


"Finally! We're done!" Dan exclaimed.

The morning sun's rays greeted the end of the repair operation. They spent the whole night repairing houses within a sector of Donut City. It was now time to rest.

"Everyone! Pack your things and head straight back to the smithy. We'll call it a day. No business for today."

All the blacksmiths packed their things and walked towards the smithy without any delay. They were all tired and now they craved rest.

"You went the extra mile, Bob. I like that." Dan recognized Bob's efforts.

Bob did not have to join them from start to end. However, he still chose to stay and finish the reparations. He was a person that was not trained to do any of the manual labor that just happened, and that made his act admirable.

"It's nothing much. I live here, so it's only right." Bob explained.

"Hmm? You live here? Aren't you an adventurer?" Dan asked. He had the perception that adventurers were people who did not have a permanent residence.

"Yes. I am. But I also am a resident of Donut City."

"I see. Forget this conversation ever happened. Go get some rest, I know I will."

Dan excused himself. Despite looking all dignified and full of energy, he was the person that exerted himself the most during the night. He led the blacksmiths while doing manual labor himself.

"I will." Bob replied, but Dan was already too far to hear.


"You went outside?" Fera's voice rang in Bob's ears.

He was currently within a casual dining area in the Church of Gourmet. Fera was eating breakfast with coffee to start her day, while Bob had dirt all over his body as he stood at the side.

"Yea. I helped with the city's renovation. We just finished earlier." Bob replied.

"The whole night?"


"Go eat a light meal first. Next, take a bath and then head to bed."

Fera said without pausing. She picked a biscuit and bit, she then slurped her coffee. She was having a relaxing morning.

"Okay. Thanks for the advice."

"mmffmm mmfmm." Fera made sounds with her mouth full of coffee.

Bob made it towards the cafeteria's cashier area. He was greeted with a list of things to eat.

"Let's see. Almonds, Bananas, Apples. I guess fruits are the only things I could eat before heading to bed." Bob thought to himself.

He spent a few moments to think of what to get. And finally decided on which fruit he will partake.

"Give me a banana."

After he received a banana. Bob went to his room and ate while walking. He then immediately fell asleep as he dropped on his bed.


[The citizens of Donut City recognized your hard work. Giving you the title of 'Helpful Adventurer']