I Know Where We Are!

"She can't be reached via private message." E uttered with shock evident on his face.

His statement confused everyone else in the party and a chicken of course. They were in a low-level village, which meant that there should be no danger within it.

However, Annera's current situation could not be further from a predicament.

"It can't be. Has her position been compromised?" Bob was also surprised. He was sure that Annera would have put her safety over anything else.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's charge right in! We are merely a few meters from the building she's confined in." Enma readied his blade and posed.

"Hey, we're still in the streets. Although it is pretty dark out already, you shouldn't draw your blade here." E warned Enma.

At his warning, Enma simply shrugged it off slowly walked towards the building. Blight took the bow on his back and Minion began moving by casting a simple light spell that doesn't blind people.

"Magelight." A soft blue orb radiated light and illuminated their surroundings.

Upon seeing everyone ignore his warnings, E heaved a heavy sigh.

'These fools.' He thought.

But instead of telling them off, he began casting his magic as well.

"Let's do this!" He casted his name-modified wolf summoning spell.

A portal opened up on the ground and 2 wolves came crawling out. Unlike when they fought the werewolves, these wolves followed E's directives.

Bob on the other hand took his spear and mounted a pose. Lavanuk, who was in his embrace, jumped and landed on top of his head. She was eager to fight as well.

"Fuck. I hate this damn useless class." Minion cursed his class decision.

A warlock's effectiveness would only shine when there were enemies after all.


"Now, tell us. Who are you?" The person who held the door in the last chapter asked the chair-bound Annera.

However, Annera wasn't really bound in her chair. But she was surrounded by people who were scrutinizing every detail of her appearance, taking a good look and engraving her in their eyes.

Annera, even without binds, felt that her freedom was restricted by them. Although she could log out anytime, she felt that it would be worth it to entertain them.

"My name is Bruma. I just moved here today, if you haven't heard." Annera straight-up lied to them, however, she didn't think it would work.

"Lies. We know everything there is to know here in Sunnyside Village." A woman who was wearing a dark-brown dress.

And with Annera's attention on the dark-brown dressed woman, she noticed that the dress was bland in color. Having noticed that, Annera observed everyone in the group and only then did she notice.

"They're all wearing such boring clothes." Annera thought to herself.

"What did you say?" All of the women asked her in unison. Annera failed to contain her thoughts. She said her thoughts out loud.

'Shit. What did I just do?' Annera panicked in her head. She realized that she was too lax about her current situation, thus she failed to keep things to herself.

"For your information, what we are wearing were once worn by models from a published magazine named Vague in Produce City." A woman replied.

"Published magazine? That could be true if that magazine was featuring things from years ago. Your style is so last decade." Annera scorned their choice of clothing.

"You! Well, we're here to chitchat, not to impress the men." The same woman was agitated by Annera's sassy reply.

"Stupid! Now she knows that we're here to gossip." The person who held the door shouted at the woman who just told Annera their intentions.

Annera was quite proud of manipulating them with simple words, but now that they were too agitated, they may dispose of her as punishment.

"Enough of this. You're all too loud." The door within the room suddenly swung open and revealed a woman that was wearing pajamas.

"We're sorry, young miss." The door holding woman bowed her head in apology. "But we caught an intruder trying to get information from us."

She continued explaining to the young miss and the rest became quiet. They were afraid of the young miss but that's because she's an overachiever. She has always been exceptional and the reason she hasn't spread her wings out in society was because of her position.

'Too bad that the village doesn't have enough influence to help young miss out.'

"I'm going back to sleep. Hey, Alex, you are tasked to write all about the meeting. Give me the report by noon tomorrow." The young miss stormed out of the enclosed room and soon the room was fille silence.

"What just happened?" Annera was confused about why that woman made her entrance and then would make her exit right after.

"Nothing happened. Young miss is the person who gathered us and gave us a safe place to gossip. We're grateful to her."

A woman replied and when she realized she just gave a stranger some information, she gasped and covered her mouth.

"Stop acting like that. Look, I'm not here to drive you guys out of entertainment. I'm only here to ask a few questions." Annera began initiated diplomatic negotiation.

"You're in the wrong place. This isn't the place to ask questions." The person who held the door, named Alex, from earlier denied Annera's diplomatic maneuvers.

'Shit. Is this woman the right-hand-woman of that young miss?' Annera could not talk her way through.

"We would have driven you out earlier, but a certain lady couldn't help but keep feeding you information about us." Alex said with scorn. Her eyes were aimed towards the dark-brown dress-wearing woman.

"Can't you just let me go?"


Annera's pleas were instantly denied.

'I'm doomed. I should try and call for help.'

She opened her prompts and tried calling for help via party chat.

'And it doesn't work. Figures.'

*You are in an instance dungeon. You cannot send/receive private messages from people who aren't in the same instance dungeon.

'It's probably classified as an instance dungeon so that I can't call for help. These developers sure took everything into account.' Annera praised the developers in her mind for making such an immersive game.

"We can't just let you go now. So we're sorry but I'm afraid you're going to have to sacrifice a bit of yourself to us." Alex solemnly said to Annera.

"...." Annera could not reply. She was speechless because she was caught redhanded and would now be punished.

All the ladies around her suddenly dispersed and took their own seats. They arranged themselves as if it wasn't the first time they were formed this way.

When they were all seated, Alex stood up once more and clapped to take everyone's attention.

"Let us commence."

Annera's heart sank. She dearly hoped that Bob would understand the situation and look for her.


"You're not supposed to be in here." A man who was nude and had convenient soap bubbles covering his genitals screamed at the top of his lungs.

"And you're not supposed to be here either. Get some clothes on, you pervert." Minion replied promptly.

The naked man heard a loud crash inside the building and that signified that something was amiss. He rushed out to check things out and did not about his indecency.

"This is my property! I advise the lot of you to vacate the premises immediately. Or I'm going to have to call the authorities." He warned the party.

"Can it, streaker. We know you're holding her in your custody. Tell us where she is and we won't tell the authorities about you." E warned the man in retaliation, and he didn't fail to inform him of their purpose in trespassing.

"You! You dare threaten me? Do you know who I am?" The man was red in embarrassment.

"No, but we do know you have sick fetishes. Lol." Minion added.

"You! That's it! Gua-!" The man called for security. But somehow, his voice was cut short.


Minion cut him off and casted a spell. It was a spell that he rarely used because the mobs he encountered with his party so far did not use spells.

"I didn't think it would actually work this way, but this is convenient." Minion smiled menacingly as he approached the naked man.

"Mmmff?" The man tried to scream, but fear took over him and the spell muffled his noises.


Enma used that opportunity to hit the man and knock him unconscious.

"He said this is his property, check the room he was from, there should be keys there." E commanded everyone.

"Are you sure about this?" Bob was worried. They knocked a man unconscious in his property after all.

"Don't worry about it. It's just a game, what's the worst that could happen?" E did not think too much of the consequences.

Blight suddenly appeared and showed off the keys that he took in light speed.

"Let us make haste yet move stealthily." Blight uttered a short sentence and went forward by himself.

After a few minutes of carefully scrounging the building, they couldn't find anything that resembled a girl in distress. Instead, the streaking man woke up and confronted them, this time, with clothes on and a few guards with him.

"I don't know what you guys are looking for in this warehouse, but you aren't going anywhere without paying for your crimes!" He declared.

"I knew it, we're in the wrong building." Bob facepalmed himself.

"But Annera said it should be the biggest building right?" E asked Bob, now he was the person in distress, he was the party leader after all.

"No, she said 'Largest house', not 'Largest building'." Bob clarified.

"Then where are we?" E asked with sweat profusely dripping on his face.

"Oh? I think I know where we are!" Minion added.

"Care to enlighten us, Minion?"

"Yep! We are in deep shit."