
"So. What do I have to do exactly?" Annera asked for some clarifications.

The quest introduction did not give her much detail. Unlike fetching quests, which compromises most quests within a game, information gathering quests work differently.

"We just want you to confirm whether Apple's observations were true or false. I sincerely hope that the allegations on the young miss are untrue but in this convention forces me to search for the truth." Alex explained as she took out a handkerchief and hid her face, supposedly wiping her face with it.

Annera did not take Alex's sentiments to heart. It was clear that Alex didn't sincerely hope that the allegations would be false, she just wanted the information because she's a tattletale.

'This woman is just like any other. And I'm no different.' Annera thought to herself.

"I do have one more question though. It's the reason why I came here anyway. I hope you have the answer to my question." Annera added on the side.

"Hmm. Well, since you asked nicely, we can listen to your inquiry. Ask away."

"Do you have any information about Jovanni? Or something about a bestiary or something."

After Annera asked her question, the women all looked at each other. They all had blank looks on their faces, seemingly unknowing of this so-called Jovanni or a bestiary.

"I'm sorry lass, but I don't think we've ever heard anything about this Jovanni or a bestiary." Apple broke the silence.

"I see. I'll have to excuse myself for now." Annera stood from her seat and said. She did not want to waste any more time than necessary.

But before she could head for the door, Alex stood in her way.

"You can't leave just yet. There's another thing that we have to tell you."

Annera could not resist as the other women also stood to stop her from exiting the premises.


Within a dark prison cell, a shriveled-up body was speaking with difficulty while 4 guys listened in boredom.

"Hehe. It was the best." The body that would pass off as a corpse laughed and showed his tooth in delight.

"That's creepy. Go on." Minion instigated the man to continue his story.

But before the man could proceed, Enma raised his hand to gather everyone's attention.

"Wait a second. You said that you became like this because you had snu snu?" Enma couldn't help but ask.

"Yeeeessss. And I loved every second of it." The man replied in catharsis.

It was evident that the limp noodle man was delighted. It never occurred to him that his current bodily state was comparable to that of a dried squid.

"Dude. You're literally a living corpse, what the hell are you talking about?" E was disgusted by Martin's appearance and creepy smile.

"Hehe. You wouldn't get it. The pleasure! Ooooooh, how I wish I could do it once more!" Martin was craving for another session.

[Hey. Don't you think this is an unmarked quest?] Blight wrote in the party chat.

[Maybe it is. But we're here for another thing though, I don't want to get more quests while I'm focused on one.] E replied promptly.

He was not a fan of branching towards other quests. E would rather finish his current quest before he goes and picks another one.

[Let's just humor him for a bit. We got nothing to do here anyway.] Minion suggested.

[Okay. But I have the feeling we are dealing with a so-called succubus here. It will be a high-leveled monster, I bet.] E warned.

"Tell us more about this lady." Enma was as tactless as ever.

"Of course. Ahem. The lady I had the pleasure of exploring adulthood with was a fair maiden. A lady that I'm sure you would recognize if you were from these parts." Martin smiled as he recalled the experience.

"We aren't from here, you're going to have to describe her to us." Enma pressed on.

"Her skin, so soft and it glistered with the moonlight. Her plump melons were perfectly shaped as if it was carved by the best sculptor within the lands, they just felt that good when I held them within my hands."

"Dude. I asked you to describe her, we can't point a person out if you describe like that."

"Hehe. My bad. Her short and lustrous black hair was divine. I don't have to go into much detail as you'll understand when you lay your eyes on her."

"Oh really?" Minion interjected.

"Yes, really. Since you guys aren't from here, maybe you've heard of her name but haven't been graced by her presence. Her name is Ligma, the lady of the Velvet castle in Munchkin Fortress."

"Hmm. So she's a noble then? Why in the hell would she ever do it with you?" Minion couldn't accept that this simp had the chance of his life.

"Hehe. I'm just a toy. Only a temporary source of pleasure for her. That's just how things are in noble societies."

The guys continued discussing their fantasies in peace. Although they were in jail, they did not feel the confines of the cage and simply had fun talking.

And when the time came, the players were released of their bindings and were let free. Martin was left to his lonesome self but he was happy that he was able to tell his story.

And in silence, his body broke down from within. The damage was not just visual. Although he couldn't feel any of it because of some psychological effect, his body was clearly in peril.

"Cough. It was worth it." Martin exclaimed within the dark cell. But there was no one else to hear his last words.

On this day, Martin died from snu snu. But that was only the beginning.


[Hey guys. I finished investigating. I think there's a conspiracy to be unfolded here.] Annera finally said something in the party chat.

[Oh? How did it go?] Bob finally spoke in this chapter.

[Where are you guys? I'll tell you all about it.]

And the party reunited in a local pub. It was the perfect place to discuss and gossip.

"Listen. After we separated ways, Bob and I followed these suspicious figures." Annera began explaining.

"We know, you have to tell us what happened inside the house." E disrupted Annera's explanation. He was still bitter about wasting an hour or so within a jail cell.

"Oh. I guess Bob told you about it." Annera uttered. "Well, when I got inside the house, I was found out. And as you would expect, I got held captive."

"Go on."

"Well, it turns out that all those suspicious figures were women. And they were there to gossip. I was stuck there because they wanted more people to listen to their stories."

"Oh. But why weren't we able to send you a message?" Enma was confused about that part.

"I have no idea. My only speculation is that the information exchanged within that convention was confidential. Thus, instant messaging is disabled."

"That makes sense." Enma thought that Annera's answer was justifiable.

"Anyways, I got another quest. And I think this would lead us to dig deeper into the secrets that cover this tiny village of Sunnyside." Annera was excited.

After gaining a quest that had a convoluted introduction, Annera had a feeling that this quest was only a gateway that would lead to unlocking a great secret.

"I have to investigate Ligma. A young miss that owns that luxurious house."

"Ligma? And a luxurious house. We just heard that name earlier." E caught Annera's words.


"Yea. We heard about her from a guy named Martin."

"Martin? Where is he?" Annera hectically asked.

Her investigation could not begin with tailing the young miss Ligma right away. She didn't have enough information on hand to make any decent conclusion from making an observation.

The gang led Annera to the prison. The guards let them meet with Martin, it wasn't much of an issue anyway. And when they arrived at the jail cell.

"Hey, Martin!" Minion hailed for him.

Annera saw the dried-corpse in the jail cell. However, the guys were acting as if that was totally normal. They weren't at all disturbed by Martin's dead body and even tried to conjure a conversation.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Annera could not hold it.

"Nah, he just looks that way." Minion scrubbed Annera's comment away.

He thought that Annera's ridiculous thoughts were perfectly normal knowing that Martin really does look like a corpse. But he could not laugh it off when Martin was eerily silent.

"Hey. You alright over there?" Minion was now worried.

But there was only silence, he didn't receive an answer.

"The fucker just died, didn't he?" Minion cursed. He felt awful.

"I guess he just did." E confirmed Minion's question.

They had to inform the guards that a prisoner just died. But before they could go and tell, the doors opened and revealed the guards dragging another person in.

"Hehe." The person they were dragging in had a wide grin on his face.