Guild Channel

Weeks ago, the rage about a player who could stand toe-to-toe with raid bosses in HP and HP regen blew up. All the guilds that aimed to reign supreme had their sights on this man, aiming to recruit him to become their main tank.

"Any news about that guy yet?"

[Sadly, no. We have no clue as to where he went after the boss fight.]

"I see, tell everyone to be on the lookout. Assuming that he entered the caverns normally, he shouldn't be level 200. But we should expect him to be near that level limit."

[Yes, of course.]

It was a conversation between two people of the same guild over the phone. The voice on the phone belonged to Seared-Duck, while the person holding the phone was Noumu. Glabrescent required more talented people in their ranks and that is why they had this conversation of recruitment.