Illogical Damage

"No freaking way man. That's a level 400 beast!"

The participants had to grow a pair to fight that thing. Its foot was already the size of a freaking bus, which means that the participants were no more than ants compared to its size.

"Ahahaaa. Don't tell me it's still bouncy with that size."

"No way, it has to have some phases. That's how bosses work, right?"

In every game, bosses had weaknesses at which players can exploit to kill them effectively. For example, a lava monster boss could be drowned with a river or heading aggroing them to a safe zone and cheese the fight from there.

However, that was only true for traditional games. Immersion Online is an innovative VR game, it had its bosses as genuine characters especially after the New World Update.



The rabbit stomped its feet and hopped. At the speed it was going, it was close to half the speed of sound.
