The Baldy and The Hag

Beset on all sides, the enemy's forward group was in peril. A burning lunatic on their hind and enemies who number them twice at the front. What's more, they used all of their utility skills to hinder the lunatic, leaving them unarmed to face the group ahead of them.

And that wasn't it just it. There was more.

"Swarm them!" Clive commanded.

With Bob at the forefront, they showered the enemy offshoot with spells. Soon enough, they all turned into blue light, diminishing Grave Robber's fighting power by 10%. However, this wasn't merely a simple 50 out of 500, but this also gave Glabrescent the momentum they needed.

"BOB! Rush forth!" Noc screamed as if his life depended on it.

With orders from his superior, Bob, who was still under the effects of his skills, ran towards the enemy's main army. Deviating a bit from his trajectory, an army of 300 players followed after his rush.

"Ma'am! We should retreat!"