Although Bob was pretty good with handling his spear, his passive skill, One-Point Spear Arts, only activates and grants extra damage when he devotes his entire weight into a thrust. This sounds good in theory, but real combat does not allow him to activate it frequently.

That was why he was targeting mages as they don't have as much short-ranged combat experience and had little to no evasive measures. Although some of them had blink, it was dime a dozen, so Bob racked up some one-shot kills with them.

But that had a limit as well.

As the battle progressed, the participant's combat high mellowed out. One hour in, their fun ended as they now had to do some work. They took their positions as per orders of their respective guild leaders.

This was the moment Castle Takedown officially started as the first hour was just utter mayhem without any gain.

"Commence Order 66."

"We've been waiting."