The Number 1's Worries

[Oops. Too late, I guess? Moving on, why don't you answer the next question? Bogdug's Crown or continent, how does it fit into the story?]

As Angela said, it was too late now. Those that heard of her inquiry now grew curious. Those that lurked the forums began writing post after post, scrutinizing every word that the guest and the game maker exchanged in the interview.

-Is this related to the blood moon?

-Hmm, maybe? But maybe it's also the teaser for another unlockable area?

-Silksong when?

The forums became a chatroom full of nerds. For them, the story quest was too short and the only thing that made it long was its long waiting time. Although they knew that as an immersion-focused game, the game wouldn't focus on a fixed storyline, they were still unsatisfied. No, they were satisfied, just that they want more of it.