Rats in The Southern Abode

A small team of 50 average rankers assigned by Christina herself to depart to the Southern Abode to secure it should it remain empty. Although this was a good move on her part, it wasn't just her who had this idea in mind.

Just as her small team arrived, Glabrescent's team of 50 also appeared in the scene. However, unlike their Grave Robbers' counterpart, they were a team of scrubs who were sent just to fill the gap.

Their levels were degrees below, their gap was in the 30s, and that's a lot when considering rankers care about the nitty-gritty when it comes to stats.

"Shit. Should we just get back? Noc said to 'Only secure the Abode if there are no enemies. If there are, properly evaluate and proceed.' And I say, we can't fight these guys," Herlos determined that it was unnecessary to kill themselves by offering their lives to their enemies.

'Plus, Lady Logos is with them.'