January 24, 2021: Lebensmüde

"What makes you say that? Is it because we live in the same city?" 

Konrad one-handedly turned the stirring wheel, navigating the car towards a nearly deserted road, before responding to Syn.

"I wonder. We'll never acquaint ourselves with the reason until it happens." He uttered as he took a glance at the lady. 

With her eyebrows slightly furrowed, Syn appeared to be deciphering what the man had said. She then leaned back on the seat and met the man's gaze once more. Konrad gave her a nod ahead of returning his attention to the road. 

A few minutes of silence ensued, allowing the lady to accommodate her thoughts.

'It seems that we have outrun Larry too easily. I doubt that he didn't have cars on standby in case I attempted to escape. Did he give up? Just like that?' Syn contemplated on the uncanny occurrence, aware of what the perpetrator could do.

She bit her bottom lip and began chewing it. She went on and gripped the seatbelt, mirroring how she was holding on to her sanity. 

'It's selfish of me that I have to involve other people simply for my own safety. Why is it that I attract danger wherever I go?'

The lady tightened her grip on the belt as she held back her tears that were threatening to fall again.

Meanwhile, Konrad was looking for the right timing to intrude on the lady's ponderance. He kept on giving glances at Syn and soon chanced upon the words he could use to keep her at ease. 

"Miss Rosenfeldt, how did you get my number?"

"Pardon?" Syn asked, negligent of what he had asked.

"I'm asking who or where did you get my number from."

"Oh! Uhm, I swear it's simply by accident! I was, uh, it is, yeah! My phone was in my pocket when I tried to dial Tri- Mr O' Connor's number, but I typed another number by mistake. Yes, that's what happened!" She articulated her excuse all the while her hands were raised as to hinder Konrad from seeing her flushed face.

Konrad merely found it amusing that the lady spoke of her copious excuse in a clumsy manner.

"I'm not accusing you of anything, Miss Rosenfeldt. I believe your excuse."

The moment he heard his reply, she narrowed her gaze at the man and said, "But it doesn't sound like you do."

"Let's do this instead. I will trust your words, so you will also trust mine. Is that fair enough?"

"Alright, I'll agree if you answer me in return."


Syn shifted to a more comfortable position afore reciting her query.

"How did you know my name? I remember that you calling me by my surname earlier."

Konrad didn't respond right away, debating what reason to serve. After a handful of seconds of ponderance, he gave his answer. 

"Mr O' Connor was bragging about you, Miss Rosenfeldt. Unfortunately, his compliments seem to be lacking compared to your actual allure."

Syn opened her mouth but closed it at once, nescient of what to retort. She just let her body sink in the seat. The tips of her ears became tinged with a rosy tint. She would be thankful for hair that managed to conceal her diffidence.

A minute after they decided to keep their reticence, the scenery changed.

From piles upon piles of snow on planes to the mystical midst of a woodland that was riddled with towering trees, it was as if they had visited a different country. The mixture of brown timbers and white heaps of snowflakes -- in addition to some hints of the fresh green colour of the leaves that managed to peek out -- created a solid feeling of enchantment.

The tranquillity of the forest attracted the two people's consciousness to enter a state of requiescence.

As the glints that were swimming on her irises reflected the purity of the spectacle, it gave the impression that Syn's eyes were gleaming in all their vibrant glory. She became immersed in the hypnotic sensation bestowed by the peaceful forest.

Syn's attention was caught by the sight of a frosted field from afar. However, once they nighed the said area, she figured out that it was a lake rather than a field. She immediately muttered her amazement under her breath. 

Konrad gradually stepped on the brake pedal and parked the black sedan at a short distance away from the lakeside. He proceeded to cut the engine of the car and took out the key from its slot.

"Miss Rosenfeldt, do you want to go outside?"

"Yes? Yes! Can I?" Syn uttered, pouring out all of her enthusiasm in her voice.

"Of course, go ahead."

"Thank you!"

Syn hurriedly opened the passenger door as she allowed her foot to descend on the soft pillows of snow. She lightly sighed before beginning her laggard saunter. Every step that she made, a crunching noise followed her feet.

The lady took her time in appreciating the immaculate scenic view. The lake during the winter was a novel mise en scene for her eyes to feast on after all.

She promptly ceased her walk by the lakeside, marveling at the purity of the view for the second time around. Withal, her moment was interrupted when she felt something heavy on her shoulders.

"You're shivering, Miss Rosenfeldt. Please use my coat for now since I didn't bring another one."


"No objections, I am fine," Konrad said as he stood beside Syn.

The lady was left with no choice to accept his offer. She then clutched the edges of the coat to cover herself. The man, in the meantime, put his hands inside his trouser's pockets, surveying the entirety of the frozen lake. 

"Thank you, Mr Brecheisen. I had no opportunity of seeing something like this before. It's truly magnificent."

"Have you calmed down?"

"Surprisingly, yes, I have. The past days have been so stressful. I didn't know that I needed a breather until you brought me here. Tha-"

"That's a good enough acknowledgment for my efforts. You've already paid for it, so stop thanking me"

Syn looked at the man's profile, pondering on why he said such a statement.

"We-" She was interrupted when Konrad lifted his hand that was gripping his phone.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rosenfeldt, I have to take this call. Please wait here." He stated as he ambled away from the lady.

Once he was behind his vehicle, Konrad tapped the answer icon. 

"Sir Matthews, how is it progressing?"

{{ "What should we do with this person, Mr Brecheisen? Should we surrender him to the police?" }}

"No, instead, bring him to my warehouse," Konrad said, his eyes now housing a precarious mood. "It's been a long while since I had a diversion. I will have to spend my time with that bastard."

{{ "Understood, what about his lackeys?" }}

"I will leave them to the rest of you. Let your men have some enjoyment."

{{ "Copy, Mr Brecheisen. We'll be awaiting your arrival." }}

Once the call was dropped, he went back to the lady's side as if nothing was out of the normal.