Living as a fugitive? Confined in jail? A mental hospital? Or perhaps, dead? Syn didn't care regarding what state her father was in. The only feeling that she had reserved for him was pure contempt. There was no trace left of the love that she once had for the man, who contributed to creating an affectionate family where she was raised in.
'It's because of you- All because of you that we're in this situation!' Seething with anger, Syn screamed in her mind. Presently, she couldn't find anyone else to blame but her father who had abandoned them.
It might've been her choice to dive into the business of prostitution. However, she had never once felt glorified of doing the job. If not for the money that it could give her, she wouldn't have welcomed the life of a prostitute. In fact, she was repulsed of herself, believing that she was dirty. Withal, she had no other option, so she readily grabbed the opportunity to earn a great deal in exchange for her body.
'You're a coward! You f*cking bastard!' Even though she's letting out her grievances, Syn was not the slightest bit satisfied. It was for the reason that her mockery had nowhere to go.
When Mina saw the resentment on the lady's countenance, she instantly knew why. Since she was a close friend of Raeliana, she was aware of all the issues currently faced by the Rosenfeldt family.
The woman hurriedly gripped Syn's hand tighter to get her attention. Thankfully, it woke the lass from her musing, making her jolt upon the realization that she just got lost in her thoughts. The young lady looked at Mina with apologetic eyes, then sighed heavily to calm herself down.
"Mommy, let's not talk about this right now, hmm? I simply wanted to warn you lest putting you in a more dangerous spot. Please, please-" Syn stopped in speaking, turning her gaze towards the officer who was beckoning with his hand.
"Miss Rosenfelt, the backup is here. We need to get going." Carlos said as he cleaned up all of his things that were on the table.
Syn merely gave him a nod and went back to talking with her mother.
"Please be attentive on what's happening around you. Keep my brothers and yourself out of danger. The police will be visiting you soon, so don't be surprised. I'm going to call you again later. Bye, mommy."
{{ "Syn, I'm not done yet. Tell me what's your address! I will go th-" }}
Before her mother could utter another word, Syn dropped the call and turned her phone off. She knew her mother all too well. Thus, she was frightened that she would surrender to Raeliana's begging, prompting her to tattle where her place of residence was.
Syn gave Mina a glance and asked as if she had sinned, "Did I do the right thing?"
Mina was quite at a loss, forasmuch as she was on the side of Raeliana, she supported Syn's decision. Accordingly, she simply patted the lady on the back as an answer.
"Are you set to go, Miss Rosenfeldt?" Carlos inquired while taking a stand, putting on his backpack. He proceeded to walk to the door where he would be waiting for Syn's signal.
"Yes," Syn spoke of her agreement without looking at the officer, lowering her head out of the guilt that was eating her.
Meanwhile, Mina was pondering on whether to accompany Syn. Lohnmeyer wanted to be Raeliana's substitute - Someone who could comfort that young lady in the midst of the whole ordeal.
"Sir Orlow, would it be alright if I go together with Syn?" Mina queried, resolute on what she coveted to do.
Lamentably for the woman, Carlos shook his head and responded, "I'm sorry, Miss Lohnmeyer. It might be safer for you to stay in this building. We want to focus on protecting Miss Rosenfeldt."
"Is that so? Then at least tell me where you're going to take her."
The police investigator debated if he could notify Mina apropos such a piece of information that had the highest sensitivity, considering that Larry was intent on finding her. Furthermore, the investigation had not reached a conclusion yet.
To Mina's fortune, latterly of a few seconds of contemplation, Carlos ceded.
"Mr O' Connor requested Miss Rosenfelt to be taken to the police station. Our building's security is top-notch after all."
"But- What if, just what if Larry was observing her every movement right now? Wouldn't it be riskier to let her out of this establishment?"
"My peers are conducting surveillance of the area. We're also taking precautionary measures."
Carlos Orlow's answer didn't assuage Mina's perturbation. The glints on her eyes were doubtful, almost as if she was thinking of the worst thing that could occur.
"In the first place, why are you helping her to this extent? Is it as result of Tristan's influence?" Mina asked.
Showing a cordial smile, the investigator met the scrutinizing orbs of the woman.
"I have no obligation to disclose the police force's objectives. However, even without Mr O' Connor's authority, we have all the intentions to aid Miss Rosenfeldt. Please have faith in us. We will protect her."
Seeing that Mina was near to uttering another retort, Syn put her hands on both of the woman's cheeks, urging the latter to pout in shock.
"Mina, I will be fine. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you too. Sit back and relax here. I will make it my priority to inform you once I've arrived at the station safely."
Mina narrowed her gaze on the Syn, seemingly vexed by what she said.
"Are you kidding me? Do you think I can relax when you're out there running for your life?" Appalled, Mina articulated her questions. She was a bit offended that Syn misunderstood where she had laid her worries.
The young lady purely gave her a smile, displaying her beautiful confidence in facing the matter.
"Mina, I don't want you to get hurt. That's why I'm going to promise you, right here and now, I will be safe. I won't let that bastard dominate my fear."