February 2013: Ghodar-dim

"Felix, the moment I step out, you need to run to my room. Make sure to not gather the man's attention. My phone is in the red bag on top of the bed. Send daddy a text saying that we have a visitor." Raeliana whispered, her voice nearly one with the air. 

As might be expected, her words weren't welcomed with a warm reception by her two adolescents. Syn immediately grabbed her mother's wrist, stopping her from making any movements. 

Mustering all the willpower to not holler how upset she was, Syn tightened the grip she had on her mother before muttering, "Go out? What are you planning to do, mommy? The man outside sounds like he's prepared to do bad things! Also, what if daddy was already their hostage? What's the purpose of texting him?!" 

"Don't worry, dear. Something that will warrant your worries won't happen. I'll just have a talk with that man. And your daddy is fine, believe me."