February 2013: Truant

At that point, Rolo couldn't resist the temptation to scream out his grievances anymore. 

"What?! Laius?! What is that dog doing there?! I already told him that the transaction is cancelled!"

Thankfully enough, his voice that loudly reverberated within the four walls of the small hospital room didn't manage to wake Syn up. However, that fact alone was disturbing. If such disturbance wasn't able to arouse the lady's consciousness, then that would only leave a handful of options as alternatives. And they were the ones on top of the list to not anticipate. 

[[ "Bo-Boss, don't yell at me. I'm just doing my job here. Rav went out to get some supplies. Other than him, none of us can confront Mr Lohnmeyer. He's too, how do I say this, rotten for my liking. He gives out those creepy vibes like he's reading my mind." ]]