February 7, 2021: Estrenar

Without uttering a complaint, Syn followed the man towards their destination. All the while they were walking, she could feel the increasing number of stares that her presence was gathering. However, unlike the curious gazes that she attracted when walking on the streets, there was a certain degree of hostility in her present circumstance. 

For Syn, it was disconcerting to say the least. But she didn't want to show these men in black how annoyed she was getting. Her countenance wore the most deadpan expression that it could as her eyes remained focused on the back of the man who was escorting her. Unbeknownst to the lady, her hands gave her emotions away. One of them was firmly clutching the strap of her bag. Meanwhile, the other was balled up in a fist, so tightly that her knuckles nearly turned white. 

'I should find an excuse before we arrive at our destination. I just need a few minutes of time alone.'