February 7, 2021: Swither

Oasis Shipyard was still under investigation by the government after being reported for violating several safety protocols. It rooted from the management's refusal to expand ten of its assembly areas. It caused a myriad of inconveniences to the shipwrights such as putting them at risk of a long list of respiratory sickness due to poor ventilation in a constricted space. Once this particular issue was discovered, the management promised to purchase airline respirators to improve the air circulation within the spaces. But to no avail, nothing ever came out of that pledge.

There was also the problem of mishandled storage of flammable and combustible liquids, toxic solvents, and other chemicals. This mishap triggered a series of hospitalizations amongst the shipwrights, their illnesses connected to workplace hazards. What made the situation worse was the lack of health insurance provided to the workers.