February 21, 2021: Reality

Konrad didn't talk for a while.

Perhaps, he was contemplating what Felix had said. Or, there were just too many things in his mind.

Meanwhile, Felix was left to regret bringing up such a remark. It wasn't because he was apologetic for saying it. Now that he had a moment of silence -- giving him the ambience that he needed to think properly -- the young man couldn't deny that there was truth in his words. 

It made him all the more afraid for both of their lives. 

Felix took a glance at Konrad, then back at the window. For a good minute, that's the only thing that he did. He was still waiting for Konrad's response, since there was only so much he knew. If there's a person who was sentient of the bigger picture, it was Konrad, not him. 

"What if I tell you…" Konrad said, but stopped sooner than he could finish. 

The man opened his mouth once more, yet closed it again without saying a thing. His behaviour bewildered Felix.