ARC 2 - To Be Pampered by the School Boss Part 36

His voice was so loud, enough that I could hear dad saying congratulations with much excitement over the phone.

With dad's shouting of congratulations, it has been confirmed that it was his plot to make Lucas go on a date. It's not that Lucas lacks women to date, he just doesn't date, date. He only... how should I put it into words... uhm... makes out with them?

Lucas' brows then furrowed. He let go of my hand and placed his phone in the ear between us, probably so that I could also listen in.

And so I did.

"Oh? Why are you silent?" Dad asked.

"What are you saying congratulations for?" Lucas asked in response.

"Hmm? The last item was about a date with a Zhao, right? You're going on a date! Of course I'll congratulate you!" Dad explained with much happiness.

"So that was for me." Lucas was emitting a dangerous aura that people around him could feel a chill. "That was unnecessary."