The Call

To be Pampered by the School Boss Special Chapter

Lucas Zhao's POV

Mia and I were in the midst of our... deed... when a knock sounded on the door just beside us.

Fuck! Who dares disturb this young master?!

But even though Mia and I both heard the knock, we continued making love-- ehem... having sex, as if nobody's waiting at the door.

When the knock resounded again, we still ignored it, but our pace evidently got faster, seeking release.

And when we did, I held up Amelia who grew weak and immediately made her sit on the couch. I felt she needed it. Then I hurriedly fixed myself.

When I opened the door, a servant was carrying a house phone in his hand.

"A call for you, young master." Said the butler.

I immediately closed the door, to not let him peek in. Who knows, maybe Mia's still disheveled. I don't like it when somebody else looks at-- no, I just didn't want other people to know or even just have an inkling on what happened between us. Yes. That's it.