ARC 3 - Blood Queen Part 42

After a servant brought in the bottles I asked for, I immediately poured my blood in them using the same methods I did before.

After giving those vials to the respective people the head butler and I decided on, I immediately went to work.

Haa. Even here, I'm stuck doing paperwork. But at least, those that I had to do actually weren't as complicated as those I was tasked to by Zed. Also, my aides are quite competent that the papers only need my approval and signature.

I did the same thing throughout the night, without any other significant things happening. Well, my night started out bad and stressful, so at least my night ended good and uneventful.

When I returned to my room, Leon was still peacefully sleeping on my bed, in the same spot I left him in. He also showed no signs of waking up.

Yeah. The earliest he'll wake up is definitely tomorrow.

I laid beside him and slept peacefully.

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