Bane Sanders

"Spilling blood while thinking of peace is something only humans can do."

Standing on a platform, in front of many people, "Bane Sanders! Your sins shall now be punished" A man said, as they pointed all of their guns at him.

Bane Sanders, the fiercest general in the history of man, he pushed back all of the invaders who came to their country, his notable feat was when he pushed back the invaders and also attacked that country with only a few deaths in his army, he was rewarded with the medal of honor and became the greatest general in the world.

Everyone admired him and praised him, but there was also who wanted to abuse him, Bane received an order from the government to invade the other countries, they said it was making those countries pay for invading their country, Bane got furious with this, He said "It doesn't matter who's getting back at whom, Once a war breaks out again, we will be both be at fault"

But those higher-ups didn't listen, Bane turned his back and was about to leave when his adjutant said that he could explain it to them, but Bane shook his head, "There's no point in trying to explain anything anymore, these illusion named honor and glory, created by the words of those they call heroes have entranced countless young men throughout the history leading them to their deaths."He said.

"B-but there is still hope in this war!" said his adjutant.

"Hope does not exist on a battlefield, there is nothing but indescribable suffering, but humanity has never learned." Bane said.

"General, just accept the reality, those who disobey the motherland will be killed" Bane heard a voice behind him, he turned around and saw a man with a long cape and cigar on his mouth.

"You want me to accept this screwed up reality? There is no way I will accept that!" Bane said as he turned around and left.

"There is no can win," the man said.


Bane left the army and was immediately hunted down by the government as he knew too many things that shouldn't be known, he ran away from his motherland and went to another country, there he created a rebellion group that will fight the government, it didn't take long for it to grew and for them to start the war with the government.

The war took years after years, The government even called for their allied nations to deal with Bane but, his title as the greatest General in the world is not for show, he defeated any armies that tried to catch them.

One day, Bane stood in front of the battlefield, where the battle just recently ended, he looked around and saw many bodies of those who once was called the great army of their motherland.

"War really is cruel huh?

Whether you win or not, you always lose more than you gain, the victor can still console themselves by counting their gains but the defeated can only count everything they lost.

The allies they couldn't protect, the enemies they cut down and the crimes of war, All of it weighs heavily upon them

I wonder what they even fought for and whether there was any point in paying the price and sullying their hands" Bane said, he then turned to his side to see an old man who was with him since he left the government,

The next day, the leader of the rebellion army, Bane Sanders surrendered to the government, and now at the present, "Do you accept your sins, Bane Sanders?"

Bane then looked at the countless people in front of him, he saw a commotion, happening, "The Rebellion Army has arrived!" one soldier relayed the message.

"Sanders can you see them, determined to come here and save you," a man said with a cigar on his mouth.

"End me." Bane said.

"Not yet, we will show those people despair first," the man said with a big smile.

"Enzio do it," Bane said, then one guy came behind him and pointed a gun at his head.


Bane's body fell to the ground lifeless and blood spilling out from his head, he saw his memories flashed by his eyes in just a few seconds, but then he saw a glowing hand reaching over him, his vision then turned dark.


Bane Sanders slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a black space, in front of him was a glowing being, sipping tea while watching T.V. he saw his figure at the T.V, 'where am I?' he didn't hear his voice, but he saw the being turned his head and looked at him then smiled.

"Hello Bane, I am a being what you call god" he introduced himself.

'What am I doing here?' Bane asked.

"I want to give you a second life," God said.

'Second Life?'

"Yes" God replied.

'Then what do I have to do?' he asked.

God waved his hands and a wheel appeared in front of him with words written on it, Bane read one of it which was Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Bleach, etc, he was confused on what these words mean.

"This is different worlds that you will be reincarnating at, Go Spin the wheel" The God commanded him, Bane then spun the wheel and spun ten times before stopping in a world called One Piece, God then changed the spinning wheel and it became bigger with more words written on it, again Bane saw some strange words on it, there was chakra, Sharingan, Superhuman strength, etc.

"These are the skills you will be receiving, no need to be shy go spin it, you will get 3 skills so, just go spin it," God said.

Bane went and spin the wheel, it spun 10 times before stopping, then suddenly a floating box appeared in front of him which surprised him a little bit, he then saw some words written on it, he started to read.

Kurokami Medaka ability: The End: Allows the user to be capable of learning Abnormalities and completely mastering them, to the extent that she can use them to one hundred and twenty percent of their capability, becoming more skilled with them than even their original owners. This ability allows the user to learn any skill quickly, from simple skills to the impossible feats ever performed.

Bane finished reading, even though he didn't understand any of it, he knows that it was an amazing ability, he then spun the wheel again and just like last time after ten spins it stopped.

[Flying Thunder God Technique]: Before the Flying Thunder God Technique can be performed, users must first mark a target with their "technique formula"The formula is applied after the merest touch and cannot be removed; it will remain in place even after the user has died. There is seemingly no limit to how many targets can be marked with technique formulas, By entering a dimensional void, users can instantly teleport to a technique formula's location whenever they please, regardless of distance.

Then a stream of information entered Bane's head, then now he knew how to use the technique, it was like he had trained it for many years, he then spun the wheel again, then after 10 spins, it stopped.

[One For All: The 101st Successor]: The power of One For All allows the user to stockpile and access power, which in turn grants momentary, nearly unlimited, superhuman strength, agility and speed. A single punch from Allows the user to generate enough wind pressure to destroy several city blocks, it also boosts the user stamina and endurance and other aspects. (A/N: I don't know how to explain it.)

Another information entered his mind and after a while, everything was assimilated into his memories, "I'm done God" he said.

"Good, I will erase your memories from your past life but will retain the memories for the abilities when you reach a certain age and will now live freely in the world of one piece good luck Bane Sanders," God said, Bane felt something sucking him and his vision turned dark again.